Completed quest “The Path to Bastion” before clicking to learn flightmaster. Now I have no flightmaster Roh-Avonavi to pick up quest “Seek the Ascended”.
I have already performed the following:
Exit Game/Start WOW
Disabled ALL Addons
Taken portal to Stormwind with Addons off and come back
Disabled Addons - Taken portal to Stormwind, then Teamed, Had them party Sync to put me on their timeline, Come back thru portal to Oribos.
Closed down all wow/ applications and deleted my Entertainment Data folder. Restarted game.
NOTHING is has returned FlightMaster to zone/scenario/instance/etc.
I already opened a ticket and received response saying we’re busy try support blogs etc…Have not seen this problem reported before. This is a doosey!
Your right. I had fully thought the starting range was 48 because thats when I got the invite…but having skipped the maw…I was not high enough level to get the flight master quest which is 49-51. Requirement was there…but still I did not see. Thank you.!
I have 12 characters in Oribos, all 50 or above. The last 9 did not do the maw. One of them can’t see the flight master or her mounts in Oribos so I can’t leave, all my other characters can see it. So, mine isn’t a level issue.
If they’re not 51, then they won’t be able to get the next quest that would open the flight master with the Bastion questline. After this happened with 9.1.5, they fixed it so that you couldn’t do the skip unless they were 50 (up from 48), because by the time you were finished the running around Oribos and whatnot, 51 should have been within sight. So if they’re not 51, try getting one to 51, and see what quests open up.
Late reply but have the solution as i worked it out. -
im a level 70 that started shadowlands for some tmog (quest rewards).
SOLUTION - the flight master doesnt unlock/get shown until you complete some quests. the quest is called “the path to bastion” which takes you directly to the flight master and then you will be given a quest to open the gate to the bastion. called “seek the ascended”. before these quests (1 or 2 before) the flight master was hidden for me