Orgrimmar rpers please spread out

Im pretty sure this damn thread has been started a million times but literally yall need to stop just clustering around wyvern’s tail. I get it, we all love Gravy, he is a good bar tender, he is great at Thanksgiving, he was there for you when your ex wife kicked you out and let you sleep behind the bar while you drank until you couldn’t feel feelings anymore. But ffs can we please start spreading into other parts of city. Rogues go do rogue stuff in the drag. Trolld go to the valley of spirits. Warlocks do rituals in the cleft of shadows. Orgrimmar is such a cool city and not every character is an alcoholic that is spending to much time at the pub. They figured this out in SMC why can’t we?


Could be that you have what you want and only the drunks refuse to leave.

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I beg your pardon, what do yo— Oh, okay