I have an issue with the Orgrimmar Elevators when getting on or off the character spins and or spazzes out flickering and such. I haven’t tested everything but I thinks it does it with Blimps and Ships to. I wanted to know if it was known to Blizzard with a fix in the works or what.
Was doing mythic Nyalatha for xmog the other day and it was doing this on the elevators in there too. Would spin you around and do all kinds of crazy stuff.
Ironically, the folks running it thought it was n’zoth playing mind games on a person since they never ran it before lol
That’s funny it’s good to hear I’m not the only one this happens too. I hope Blizzard fixes it but I don’t know if they even know about it.
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Tbh I hope they kinda leave it as in Nyalatha. It is fun ngl to pretend N’zoth is messing with folks xD haha
This has been happening to me as well. Hopefully it will get fixed soon.
i think you have the wrong subsection sir you want the bug report forums…this is the website bug report forums.
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