Org to Zuldazar portal change

This is definitely not the reason.

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On the bright side, once dragon riding comes to all of Azeroth, it will be a quick flight…I thought it was a weird bug because I didn’t stay there long on the last toon I leveled (who was the last toon to use that portal).

Won’t matter in the future. DF wil be the new leveling experience, and BFA will be as forgotten as other expansions.

I just ported now and am seeing the same thing, ugh.

I’ve read some of the reasons listed below, and this one is a head-scratcher for me, as this would definitely dissuade me from going back to Zan’Dalar.

Oh well, it’s their game, they can do what they want, and we can play or not play, heh.

lol - I would rather end up on the docks than that room but if you are using that portal to go somewhere else if would be really annoying.

Another change that seems to have happened (I’m pretty sure it’s recent ish) is that when you take the portals at the Earthshrine, e.g. to Hyjal or Deepholm, and then port back, you’re now ported to the Org portal room instead of the Earthshrine itself.

Meanwhile if you do that in the Stormwind Earthshrine, you come back to the Earthshrine as you always have.

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For whatever random excuse people make, the alliance one still puts them in their portal room? What’s your excuse there?

Been like that for as long as I can remember, and I go to Deepholm regularly to farm that mount.

I’m fairly sure I remember at least some time when it wasn’t like that, but I can’t say I noticed exactly when it changed.

Considering all of the NPCs are also gone, this sounds like a bug. Most likely due to the removal of Allied Race unlock requirements that somehow messed things up and phased us all incorrectly and in the wrong spot.

Don’t they have to do the introductory quests that get them to the docks organically? Since they are new players idk if they can opt to skip the BFA intro quest

I hate appearing at the docks.

This is why the Alliance city is better.

The Docks are literally right near the portal room.

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As an FYI, this was posted in CS about the issue:

true. but it felt faster to me to portal into org, few steps to port to zuldazar, few steps port to thunderbluff mount up and fly to vendors to get profession quest items and down to the faire.

It was a spiteful draenei dev who did this.