<Order of No Quarter> DreamScythe Horde

Hello everyone. Do you feel like the way people tend to play classic tends not to replicate or really live up to the experience we all had back in 04 or a little later.

Do you feel bogged down with meta forcing or World Buff stacking?

I do as well. So I founded ONQ. I want the classic experience to be as classic as possible. If you want to play meta and hard parse that’s fine. Plenty of room for you. But it just won’t be a requirement at all. It’s Classic…alot of the content can be fairly trivial anyways. Let’s just have fun playing the classes that we really want.

Also not looking to be a massive guild just looking for enough to raid. We already have plenty of people hanging out and playing every night with 4-7 people myself not included active in the evenings.

So if you’d like to take part…feel free to HMU

HeavyMetal is the ign.

Hey I could be interested, first time classic player looking to eventually do some raiding.

Liking the idea of a smaller crew instead of getting lost in a sea of names. ill try to find you online tonight.

I’m interested in joining. I do want to raid and do dungeons eventually. I’d really like a group to level with cause I just started a new character.