Orcs vs Night Elves

Except Orcs destroyed stormwind as well it was never Lordaeron versus the Horde.

Dark trolls were the first to inhabit the land by the Well of Eternity, which is kinda where the night elves came into being, and spread outwards in all directions from there, going up to Hyjal and what is now Northern Kalimdor. All of that land after the WotA which wasn’t occupied by demons was occupied by races who were allies of the night elves, so :man_shrugging:

Note that I’m not arguing Azshara’s expansion of the Kaldorei Empire here, but purely night elf land that’s always been night elf/dark troll land.

alliance died with varian wrynn. tear


All Night Elves were Dark Trolls but not all Dark Trolls are Night Elves. This is basic knowledge. The group that turned into the NE took the land from the remaining Dark Trolls. You’re colonizers and you can’t deny it.

Iconic is the wrong word.

You’re looking for ‘interesting’ or something like that.

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So trolls kicked trolls off troll land? It’s like anatomically modern humans kicking out the Neanderthals through interbreeding.

Or British Colonials killing, enslaving and conquering native populations. However you want to look at it.

Not at all the same, and rather uncalled for, actually.

It’s like humans v. neanderthals or a civil war. Take your pick of scenario here.

Lol no, it’s the exact same. You took land from an indigenous, intelligent species and then called it yours. You’re colonizers.

They were the same species? It’s not like WoW evolution is one of my majors, but actual real world history is, so go ahead and take the win on this one cause I’m not getting into a war about the night elves being the British Empire by evolving.

Have you seen how far a Tauren can punt a gnome?

Your comparison of humans vs. Neanderthals demonstrates your NE arrogance. You assume that you grew into something better. You didn’t, you’re just a mutation. What are you better at? The Trolls are intelligent and every bit as capable as Elves in magic, technology and all other measurable intelligence. We have proof of this everywhere we look.

So what separated the Night Elves from the Trolls? You’re willingness to kill them and take their land. You can sugar coat it all you want, you took land from an intelligent species and called it yours. You are colonizers.

Orcs being the descendants of Grond, created for the soul purpose to cull the forests that swamped Draenor, it would be fitting that the orcs and druidic night elves are natural enemies

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You’re making this awfully personal.

Let me simplify what I’m trying to say here for you, because there’s really not much to it.

There is only one real world example we can point to in the context of two sentient races originating from and occupying the same land within the last 200,000 years: H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis. Thing is, you don’t see any of the latter out and about today do you? It’s not because we evil H. sapiens colonizers went and brutalized the poor H. neanderthalensis, but because we interbred and absorbed their race into ours. Obviously, this doesn’t happen in Warcraft because that would require the writers to have an understanding of actual history to draw upon, and “they all lived happily ever after and had tons of kids!” makes for a boring story.

So, since we have no practical real world comparison whatsoever for two intelligent species to originate in and occupy the same land to look to as an example, the night elves are literally the devil for claiming the land they originated in and interbreeding/warring with the trolls who also originated in that land.

The point being they both originated in the same exact territory. The tribesmen with the sharper spears won. Sorry to say, but the non-elf dark trolls lost the evolution game.

Yes, the tribesmen with the sharper spears won and now you cry foul when the even bigger and even stronger tribe with the sharper axe is winning. That land isn’t yours. You took it through combat and now you’re losing it through combat.

I’m crying foul about bad writing, not about being beaten in a fictional military conflict. Believe what you want, dear. My points have been made and you’re clearly not disputing them.

(The bad writing being Sira and Delaryn, btw.)

In hindsight they both seem pretty natural

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I wasn’t referring to what you were specifically crying foul about, but your race as a whole being outraged that Orcs had the audacity to take “your” sacred land as if it belongs to you.

I don’t think I ever replied directly to you until you replied directly to me.