Orcs of the Horde! What clan did you pick?

That’s the Bleeding Hollow clan.

As for me, my main here picked the Frostwolf clan because of Thrall and Drek’thar. Meanwhile my orc death knight alt picked the Bleeding Hollow clan because I’ve always been a fan of Kilrogg Deadeye and was really excited to see son Jorin back in the story.


Warsong after Grommash :muscle: :axe:


Ya bleeding Hollow then pokes out eyes to prove her worthyness

Frostwolf, the good guys clan.

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Frostwolf. It’s the clan Ironghost’s parents are from.


demon hunters and bleeding hollow eye poking out lol

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pokes Mythosaur-frostwolf in the eyes, gently tho in an affectionate way, like between friends

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Dragonmaw Clan.


The correct answer.

Always thought Kragg was part of the Black Tooth Grin with those teeth on his shoulder. Also being the only orc pirate away from the horde. :thinking:

I went Dragonmaw just from their extensive knowledge of beasts and dragons. They even learnt how to use dragon essence to empower and fortify themselves and their buildings.

Can you imagine what them as an allied race would be like with their racials?

Otherwise I would have liked Shadowmoon clan. Before the whole corruption thing, they were -thee- clan that lead shamans and had the most mystical insight. Would have been cool for my Shammy.

I picked tha Dragonmaw Clan on me Orc Survival Hunter.

It’s a storied Clan and I like that tha current chieftan is pretty blunt with ye; tha clan has long lost their honor but they’re workin’ tae reclaim it.

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My Orc Warrior went Warsong clan.

Enjoys murdering Night Elves :grin:

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