Orcs Are Kinda Dim

Orcs use Facehook lol

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That…that sounds WORSE… :smiley:


14 year old me was too harsh on Garrosh. I’m praying he comes back from AU Draenor as a Light Infused Hulk please god.

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My felguard has been trying to teach them irrigation and crop rotation but it has not worked at all.


At least the spinning blade masters learned harvesting.

thrall knew exactly what he was doing, he chose that spot on purpose to force the orcs to repent for their demon fueled sins… only to turn around and be a-ok with the slaveowner gallywix joining the horde

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Funny enough Durotar was a forest during warcraft 3. :world_map::robot:

Orcs love valleys. They live in one valley, next to another, above a third valley with yet another valley real close by.

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Also the Mogu aligned Zandalari and Ogres. Also Blood Elves. Horde is very pro-slavery.

I think it is dim to think hey live in a desert when they are clearly in a canyon, and always have been.

They aligned with Zul, not the Zandalari huge difference

Isn’t the whole pandaria campaign just kinda run by Zul anyway?

Same with the Cataclysm even stuff, guy was a pretty bad prophet and went crazy over it

It is, the problem is, Rastakhan gave his seal of approval to both of Zul’s world domination campaigns using Zandalari troops and ships.

People tend to forget with the whole funeral cinematic and everything that Rastakhan was kinda going somewhat senile lately, and had made many mistakes in his recent rule as of slightly before MoP, what we see in BFA is just the natural results of Khan letting Zul commit such a massive coupe.

I will give him one positive, he clearly realized Sylvanas led Horde was just a massive meatgrinder and told Talanji not to seek them out as allies.

Are pandas a protected class or something? Why is orc hate allowed but not panda hate? :stuck_out_tongue:

Because orc babies aren’t nearly as cute rolling in snow.

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Orcs are stupid. The highpoint of their history is the period between being slaves to ogres and slaves to demons where they let elements tell them what to do. It was a massive mistake for Blackmoore to spend so much time educating one because it gave them a leader just smart enough to not realize his whole race was idiotic and self destructive.

Thrall has absolutely had this revelation post-Cata and all his behavior makes sense when you realize his goal is to make sure no Orc ever leads the Horde again but he knows he can’t admit that out loud.

He didn’t though? Not as far as I know anyway

Zul was a very influential person, he gave a big story about how the cataclysm would destroy everything they had and then it happened and Zandalar was pretty much unscathed so the council just kinda laughed at him over it

Then Zul left with the fleet to try and unite the troll tribes on his own his the council and rastakhan ignored him

If you know of something saying other wise, I’ll gladly give it a read

Edit: Reading stuff, and I am partially wrong about it

Zul left before Cataclysm believing all of Zandalar was entirely gone from the event, so he went off to pandaria entirely on his own, 0 influence of Rastakhan was involved in there


Rastakhan did approve of Zuls idea of unifying the trolls, so at some level you could connect him to the zg/za events in cataclysm

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Grommash tried to do exactly that. The Night Elves weren’t exactly accommodating.

Have all the people who played Warcraft 3 quit retail or something?

Orcs don’t want a comfortable place, they want a harsh environment to build strength. The night elves and humans were also preventing them from going many other places.

From Zul’s biography on WoWwiki (WoWpedia is being retired and is not current):

“King Rastakhan tired of Zul and his troubling nightmares. To be rid of the prophet, he granted Zul the use of his largest ships, so that he and his followers could seek a new land if his visions came to pass.”

So Rastakhan gave Zul the means for the Pandaria campaign, and also acted unknowingly as the authority to bring the Troll tribes together, that was 100% Zul, but by that point he’d already given Zul free reign unknowingly.

Same with the BFA plot, he gives Zul free reign without realizing what he’s agreeing to, and it’s not just Rastakhan either, many of the Zandalari as a whole turned to Zul due to the sinking prophecy coming to pass.

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Was more of a dismissing him than giving him a green flag to do whatever he wants, they even state on the same spot how he didn’t approve of working with the Mogu

I think it was more that he kind of considered Zul a bit of a joke at that point since his prophecy didn’t come to a pass, he said Zandalar would sink into the ocean and split. Instead we have Nazmir get soggy and mild damage to Zandalar

Sure he shouldn’t of let Zul kinda do what he wanted when he returned to Zandalar, but he probably thought him kind of harmless and a failure since he got everything wrong and failed with his plan. The working with the old gods part was probably quite the curve ball

Like I’m not giving Zandalari a pass as a whole, but the faction of them who were involved in pandaria are all pretty dead now lol

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