Orc racial nerf when?

obviously only orcs are pvp gamers so really its 100%

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I agree.

Its time to bring back BE aoe silence to balance things out.

Increase it to 50% reduction.

Ummm lol?

It was good for like one boss and one dungeon in a single expansion.

Compared to its initial no GCD AoE silence with resource generation it’s average at best.

Highly situational utility.

 that’s hilarious

Beat me to it Snik. :joy:

guess i cant complain

/sips coffee.

Because it flat out trivialized the fight.

But what percentage of total players are horde vs alliance?

That alone would skew data in favor of orcs because there are more horde pvpers than alliance
 and that’s without even considering racials

To pile all the blame on orcs racial alone without consideration for all the data is pretty disingenuous

You thought wrong.

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P.S - I ate all of your high heels. Sorry, not sorry.

You should know they don’t clean the floors in Acherus.

Fine in what way? Speaking of cluelessness, the power of racials is one of the factors for the faction imbalance. And I am pretty sure racials were bigger offenders before than they are now.

A cosmetic choice should not have power tied to it.

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Fine as in the past. Gutting EMFH is what escalated the faction imbalance. It was bad before EMFH, decent during it’s high point, and then it was worse after the gutting of it. Removing things is the wrong way to go with this game. Considering your earliest Achievement I can see is from 2016, maybe you don’t know that before they started gutting racials, the top pvp scene was mostly human. The imbalance overall wasn’t nearly as bad as now and removing things is what has made it this bad.

It’s not a “cosmetic” choice. The races have traits. THAT gives the choice flavor. Maybe it’s just cosmetic for you but it’s not the racials that are causing you to lose.

It is a cosmetic choice, and it is the case for a majority of players. You don’t need to add power to give races flavor. An iron dwarf having that mole device to travel around? Vulpera and their camp?

Those are examples of racial traits that are fun, with a racial theme, and have no power tied to them.

Stating your opinion and using uncited sources doesn’t enforce your opinion.

Majority of players AREN’T asking for racials to be removed. You are. Speak for yourself.

And if “majority of players” only considered it cosmetic, you wouldn’t see so many players choosing the more powerful races for the racials. The game was fine before they started screwing with the racials and instead of reverting their gutting and returning other races to some glory, you ask for more pruning. You guys still haven’t learned the lesson on pruning yet and that’s a shame.

Local man playing op race says racials are fine and don’t need adjustments, more at 11

Give them time OP, they are still working on their glad mounts. Can’t nerf them before then.

Who is the OP race?

But that label is always wrong because hypothetically, I could chop your legs off to make you a less efficient runner and then start labeling people with legs as OP.
The problem isn’t the “OPness” of the racials but rather their ridiculous pruning of meaningful racials of the other races.

EMFH these days is a shell of it’s prime. It only removing stuns is a gutting of it’s former function. Make EMFH the way it was and you’ll see a flux of pvp’ers going back for it.

Night Elf is sort of the go-to for the scuffed Vanish.

Making X, Y, and Z meaningless doesn’t add meaning to the rest. It just makes everything meaningless.

everyone knows the moment blizzard nerfs horde racials they are going to cry until blizzard caves and gives them an even stronger one then before

look at wow classic
 premade alliance AV got nerfed cause horde having a 95% win rate wasn’t good enough for random AV bg’s
allianced cried for horde having to start back equal distance
 but come TBC when horde can no longer queue in
 slaps in cross/double faction BG’s to make horde happy
when they could of fixed it earlier by just having horde start back further which would of made alliance happy nd queuing up