Orc racial nerf when?

In a game with dozens of races, 40% of players using one still seems like a pretty big deal!

Never stated it wasn’t
 PVP revolves are stuns, not only does Orc look cool af
 they have reduced stuns.

I am a VERY buff orc :wink:

I could’ve swore it did because lich born literally classed you as undead to self heal with death coil.


Yeah but lichborn makes you immune to fear and turn evil fears you lol

It cancels out

So technically it works
 it just does nothing

Im fine with the racials the way they are, and i dont even have a green orc for pvp.

its 90% if you exclude those who don’t have orc as an option

“bawww nerf ocrs!!1”
orcs not even close to night elves or humans.


No. BE silence removed. What replaced it is awful.


You shut your hoochin mouth, stinky elf. Hooch smash stinky long ear meat puppet!

Look at my post history and you will see I have an attraction for big buff ladies. :wink:

What it is if you exclude classes that Orcs don’t have as an option is irrelevant.
The original argument wasn’t that 90% of Orc playable classes are Orcs.

It was

Which is factually incorrect. Just because you focuses a Race down to only the Classes it can play gets you the 90% number for that class doesn’t change that Orcs only make up 40% of PvP Gamers in total.




10 char

20% seems pretty reasonable.

Granted it was really broken, but so were goblin rocket boots and troll racial in the past. Probably the cynic in me but I would bet they just didn’t want people going Alliance in droves at the top.

Belf Racial.

So tired of this constant remove this and remove that to fix problems. Especially when the game was FINE with such racials before.

It just shows a level of cluelessness that ensures things will get worse.

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I agree don’t just nerf it remove it. Replace it with this.

Stunned fury(orc)
Orcs are now immune to all stuns and gain 20%healing and damage whenever a stun is used on the player.