Orc or Undead for Warrior PvP

Thrown specialization or gtfo

Roll undead. Don’t become the 99% meta chasing sweats. Be who you want to be.

they dont even need to try to win, Spriest is OP vs most melee.

Orc is 3X more powerful in classic vs UD for warriors because of how damn good 30% stun resist (as advertised) is in PVP.

Lets put it this way, I feel damn lucky if I kidney an orc at all, ever in classic. That was not the case in Vanilla, but this is not vanilla, its close but its not by any means perfect.

Orc stun resist is so OP that it blows away every other racial in classic.

Just go and duel some Orcs (warriors/rogues otherwise) and experience it for yourself.

If you just want the best possible PVP experience from those two races, you have to go Orc.

Undead is a slept on warrior race. Yes, warrior can break a fear – but that spell has a cooldown. Any good lock or priest will notice when your zerker rage ends and fear you. Also, will breaks charm for succubus. Also, cannibalize is under rated in world pvp scenarios.

True OP is not even needing to put your potion on CD because you resisted the stun anyway, or still resisting stuns even though your potion is on CD.

As a rogue player I can tell you the Orc racial is overpowered in pvp. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t pick a race just to min/max.

In before “orc racial never works, I got stunned”

Thing is they dont notice the 45426342 stuns that did not connect, only the few that did.

Play a non orc and its very apparent how many charge stuns, cheap shots, etc you get to eat, and while I don’t mind it too much the fact that they get to ignore all that is insane powerful. Its 100% Classic wow on training wheels.

Just go Orc. That tooltip has to be bugged, 25% chance my butt. I just avoid all orcs now when I PVP. Not worth even trying.

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There’s 1 rule when playing a horde toon.

If it can be an orc, you pick orc.

If you want to rely on the crutch of a busted racial, roll Orc 100%

25% resistance to stun, higher hit with axes and extra damage
 Why do you even ask?

Yeah I agree; I mean I play a Tauren warrior because I played one in vanilla and wanted to re-experience it. Our racials are obviously good: bigger hitbox, 5% hp, war stomp.

But it’s inarguable that the Orc 25% stun resist is the single best racial in vanilla by a mile.

If anybody is choosing a race for PVP specifically, you have to pick Orc.

The rule for pvp is

If you CAN be orc you go ORC, always in classic.

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Its plus an additional 25% chance to resist a stun NOT a 25% chance to resist the stun, they can then add iron will (talent) on top of that and it becomes an addition 40% chance to resist a stun on top of whatever the stun resist chance actually is.


Gnome is the best choice.

horde warriors that aren’t orc are actually a joke.

You are going to be sitting hard CC from HoJ and rogues all day.

Bloodfury is busted on melee. You have enough fear break if u need more your doing something wrong. Do you want an offensive CDS go orc for bloodfury + get a 1/4 chance for massive advantage in most fights.

You will regret not picking Orc when axes start dropping in PvE. Also I can kill warriors very easily as a rogue. Dueling other orcs is painful because one stun resist is what gives them an opportunity get kill me when they shouldn’t be able to.

What about a busted class? Mages

Would it make you feel better if I made the same statement, only on my warrior instead?