Orc or Mag'har Orc

Mag’har are the true orcs, so if you want to feel the orc’est as possible be, be a Mag’har!

Be mean!

Be green!

Be a Killing Machine!


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I just made a Mag’har Warrior, and decided to go shaman route with the regular Orc. I may in the future do a regular Orc warrior, I just wanted one orc warrior for now cause I really want to use the new Gorehowl model with an orc (once i can get it), and as I did say I enjoy the visuals of the Mag’har heritage a bit more than the regular Orc heritage

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Normal orcs have better racials, better customizations and are more of the “classic” orc of warcraft, plus i think their heritage is more neat with the fur.

An orc need to be in a shade of green in this game, if isn’t, it feels weird and out of place. I always disliked how they came up with '“well,l akcshually the orcs were not green, the fel magic turn then green” and now every new character is a maghar

Hell, even thrall son was retconed to be maghar and we see him green many times before.

Also, i personally dislike the maghar voices, dunno why, maybe im too used with the normal ones.

i can understand that. I think part of what made me go Mag’har in the end, aside from the heritage armor, was just Garrosh in general. He was one of the very few Mag’har in the game that I truly remember from just questing around when I joined back in 2014.

Good choice I approve. :+1:

Green shaman orcs are the best!

I was initially thinking of just going Mag’har on both, cause the Kor’kron Binder set (the Kor’kron Shaman Vestments, Cool recolor) has the same colors as the Frostwolf version of the heritage armor. But I think I settled on regular Orc cause of the idea of returning to the shamanistic routes after the whole demon thing

The Mag’har heritage set is better, but you can have similar options as Orc.

So much racism in this thread :stuck_out_tongue:

No be regular orc

Regular orc laugh is a proper mocking cackle

Maghar orc laugh is BURRHURRURRRURRR

They laughing how the alliance laughs.


Orc is best orc. Mag’har customization needs a lot of work, orc is pretty robust. Their heritage sets are pretty similar, but orc is higher res and comes with one of the best heritage quests bar none. Better racial abilities, too.

Unless you’re going for a niche clan look, or want to RP as a Time-Lost version of Garrosh, you’re best off with orc.

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Regular orcs are better unless you really like the skin tones of maghar imo

Can also RP as Grom with parts of the new shop set

Regular Orc with the hunched back is the correct answer.

Well, I settled on Mag’har for my warrior, regular orc for a shaman. I wanted to go for a Frostwolf look with my warrior, and i like the Mag’har armor a lot. My orc shaman will be using the Cool recolor for the Kor’kron Shaman Vestments since it has those Frostwolf colors as well. I thought it would be interesting to have my two orcs be Frostwolves, just from different generations in a way

that is the peon look, we get the grunt look now

Mag’har. Garrosh is a legend. Thrall is just an environmental activist.

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Counterpoint: Brox is the only mortal to have wounded Sargeras’ physical form.

Maghar racials suck for warrior, and the male melee sounds suck compared to OG orcs.

You didn’t have to counterpoint, Grom and Guldan are also legends, plenty of orcs are. I just wanted to jab at Thrall.

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