Orc customization in shadowlands

Alright, let me make this perfectly clear. I expected more. So far, all they got are a handful of tattoos, some facial scars, and new colors for hair/skin/eyes.

Not a bad start. But here are some suggestions. (Feel free to add to this!)
. New faces and/or teeth options. ex. a missing tusk.
. Clan markings/Horde markings. ex. a tattoo of the burning blade insignia.
. Yellow eye glow, for dragonmaw.
. Fully empty eye sockets, for bleedinghollow.
. Eyebrow options.
. Red/fetid/demonic skin, for warlocks.
. An albino skintone. Ever seen Azog? Pretty hawt, right?


They’re not tattoos is my problem
It just looks like Splotchy war-paint and not tattoos.

I find it kind of silly that there are no actual “tattoo” options reminiscent of the Mag’har available to orcs


It could be that they’re saving actual tattoos for the mag’har? But I figured they’d give us some discount saurfang warpaint, at least.

I’d like them to fix the skin color of the Blackrock Variant. It looks like they dipped in grey paint to their waist. A more uniform skin color would be appreciated. Also what about Tauren? I want to see Tauren. My boys the Grimtotems (and the Venombloods -crosses fingers-) better have representation here!


Blizzard hasn’t ship all the customizations yet. Those are the textures only. All the 3D models (faces, haircuts, facial hair) are not there yet.

Also the guy from Wowhead messed up the male Orc. He basically put the female tattoos on the male body that’s why they look weird and misplaced.


That explains a lot.


Its NOT even in the Alpha yet. What was shown was dataminded and its most likely the baseline. Stop being silly. We have no clue what we are getting.

I did consort my Crystal Ball for you… It says “Ask again later”

It’s our duty as fans to ask for very specific things! And yes, it’s alpha, this is the time to ASK. Don’t let it slip through our fingers.


Yeah and saying:

–Is the surest way to have a trash-tier expansion like BFA was.

We gave them good faith after Legion. They squandered that good faith. I’ll be very blunt and very critical about everything with no concept of good faith and trust. How can I trust them when the bonehead designing Shadow Priests is tripling down on the train-wreck that is Voidform despite 4 years of people calling bullcrap on that polished trash?


My point is its NOT even in the Alpha yet! I have Alpha. 0 new customization options. So How about wait for the first Alpha build that actually has the options in them before making a post like this.

Stop being silly.

Wait for Menus to me thought out and printed before you decide you wont like the food

I will be a critical neckbeard, thanks though.

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Just because a restaurant changed it’s stationary, or the color of it’s logo doesn’t mean it’s not trying to feed you the same pink goo burger. You need to stop. No one wants another BFA, and we’ll remember your posts as being a part of why it happened if we get one.

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We have zero idea what Tauren are getting.

Probably Grim totem customization with lame war paint “tattoos”.

ugh…Tauren shafted again :pensive:

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I look forward to them still only having 4 face options.

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and the women only have 4 hair options.

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If the tauren get pretty and varied skin tones, like the worgen are getting, then I have high hopes.

Meanwhile all Draenei got was 3 new skin colors and like 2 hair colors…oh and their tail is a tad bit longer.

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Body hair, they need a body hair option. It’s weird that they all have this no hair peon thing going on.

Sounds like something I would make a post about<---------

Yeah i was a bit disapointed tbh, i expected at least the dragonmaw skin color.