Orc Customization (Fel, Dragonmaw, Mag'har, Blackrock)

Fel Orc Ally

Dragonmaw Orc ally

Mag’har Orc ally

Blackrock Orc ally

Seeing as how Draenei are getting Eredar (red) skins, Void Elves (and Blood Elves) got High Elf customization, Dwarves got Wildhammer, Undead can hide bones, Tauren got the awesome totem/tree trunk weapon they’ve been missing since Warcraft 3, all elves got Dark Ranger customization etc - I believe it’s time for orcs to look like cooler orcs.

The orc heritage quest let’s you choose a clan, which includes Dragonmaw, Mag’har (Warsong, Frostwolf), and Blackrock. No reason to not let use look the part!

Fel orcs would be an awesome addition that could be acquired through some crazy Outland quest involving pit lords and demons! Or simply invite Dekrok to Orgrimmar. As long as we get red skins, we’re good to go.


I think fel orcs would be awasome, there are even some NPC already in the horde

but sadly i don’t think we will have anything of that

i think blizz has been for a long time now making desperate choices to bring more players to the aliance, like erasing the void elfs identity by making them blood elfs, or forcing excuses to bring the red draenei

they also give the undead skin color of the rengers to the void elfs, which make 0 sense

since the horde population is okay they don’t care much about them


I really hope that isn’t the case, because we already missed out on ogres! There’s a rumor/leak that we were supposed to get them instead of Gobs back in Cata. Now I love the little gretchins, but ogres just scream horde and have done so since the inception of warcraft.

We’ll settle for cool red orcs for now, I suppose.

I’ve headcanon’d Gore as having been Blackrock since I levelled through WoD back before Chromie Time was a thing, so I’d gladly trade this generic DK skintone for a proper Blackrock one if I’m given the choice. If it were up to me though, I wouldn’t want Eitrigg’s skin colour; I’d rather a green version of the mag’har/WoD Blackrock skintone with the rocky textures. (of course, Blizzard should give both so all parties walk away happy) The MU orcs should also get the mag’har Blackrock eyes; wouldn’t be useful for Gore for obvious reasons but I would use em on my shaman.

The fact that neither the OG nor mag’har orcs have the Dragonmaw skin and eyes is a genuine crime though.

I hear you, we need more elves.

and ogres.