Oracle vs voidweaver

Im torn between these two specs.

Ive been fooling around with oracle and have been really enjoying it. Ive been playing a sheild/ultimate penance spec and have found that my dps isnt that much lower than voidweaver.

To me oracle feels more disc than voidweaver. Voidweaver has strong atonement healing but it feels a little face roll. Most of the talents are passive. With oracle you get to manage premonition and with the sheild spec ive been running you need to be a lot more proactive. These two things make oracle feel more disc.

With m+ coming and things hitting a lot harder i dont know if a sheild spamming spec will hold up.

How have the two specs been comparing and what do you plan on playing?

Having played in beta:

Most people will play Voidweaver - it does significantly better damage played optimally.

It also is much easier to play into AoE burst and requires no pre-planning for that, and there’s a lot of AoE burst in the M+ lineup. And it’s been recommended by most content creators.

Personally, I don’t think Oracle is bad right now. Its problem in harder content is that it functions a lot like old disc. If you don’t know the dungeons well you’re going to struggle pretty badly with the harder moments. You basically have to rapture well and get pre-shields going into some of the mobs/boss mechanics.

In beta it felt difficult, but it was possible to clear the harder keys with it. It’s only been buffed since, but because a significant portion of its healing is shielding, it still inherently means you need to understand the dungeons well if you’re going into hard content.

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I think you nailed it with your assessment, ive been feeling the same way.

It seems like oracle plays more like old disc and that voidweaver is a little more simple.

Its a shame that theres such a disparity between the two choices.

It would be nice to see oracal get a mana and damage buff. I think in going to stick with it over void tho, void feels too much like a dps spec to me.

Personally, I think if reflective shield worked with Atonement, it would be a HUGE bonus for the spec and make it pretty solid.

If you like the pre-planning style, go for it! I played it to +9-10s in the beta (and we were ilvl locked to 610) so it’s absolutely possible to play it. If the spec fails anywhere, it’s going to fail at a very high key range where most people don’t really aim for like title range keys.

I agree with this but i also felt in some situations i had nonresponses to some stupidity. Oracle felt more natural to me. Im still playing mindbender. Getting 4 dark penances off on the move feels satisfying, and there is plenty of those sort of boss fights.

im running heavens wrath to get faster uppies for use with piety. Solace i kinda try and blow past and on the tank to get to the 3 that im more interested in.

But i agree even if oracle was buffed more, VW would still be most played due to its ease of play, but i find VW a one trick pony and when that trick is spent you are lacking