Just want to throw out a positive thread. The visuals for Oracle are honestly super cool and visually easy to see and understand.
Permanent third eye+glowing eyes is really sweet and the triangle hologram effect you get during combat that has a big rune attached to it based on whichever premonition you have available is awesome. The runes match the premonition icon too which is very nice and Clairvoyance has all 3 runes active since its all 3 effects you get. Just looks awesome.
I like to use the gray skin with red eyes and totally kills the look. Wish there was a glyph or something to make it optional.
100% agree. It’s a delight. Loving holy right now. It’s a blast, and the cycling buffs aren’t nearly as hard to manage as I was anticipating.
Archon is nice, but Oracle feels very right.
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I was about to write a post about the same things while also asking for alternate visuals with possible glyphs.
Many times have I stated that out of all classes, Priests are the ones who need glyphs the most to show how different they are from race to race.
In my case, even if I am really really liking the visuals with the glowing eyes and the floating third eye I would love to have a let’s say… “Elune’s eye glyph” that makes the floating eye a Crescent Moon and your eyes glow silver/white.
Please Blizzard consider making these type of visual customizations!
I’m sure all Priest Players would forever be grateful to you!
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Im not loving the visuals for premonition. i shouldnt have to pick archon just to see my characters eyes… its screwing my mog completely. We should have a choice in this.
And thematically you can justify different visuals for each race having different colors.
For Night Elves it’s known that Elune tends to grant her priestesses premonitions so having visuals representing the moon is fitting…
For Trolls you can argue some Loa giving voodoo powers so visuals for that is also fitting…
Imagination is the limit!
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This is @Nightlighter too. I agree and I have a thread going on glyphs in the General Discussion section already, feel free to hit that up so it gets more attention.
Realistically it would be awesome to see three glyphs for oracle. One to make the Oracle effects alternate between shadow/holy for disc, one to make them straight shadow for disc and one to turn off the effects completely (that is one all trees with passive visual effects should get).
I do find the effects super sweet though but glyphs would definitely be really cool. Not gonna harp on it too much like I said I have a discussion going elsewhere already that isn’t in a class forum
Im loving everything about Oracle a lot of fun!
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I really wish void weaver had void orbs like Xal’atath, and archon had some kind of permanent visual. I just like the idea that you could differentiate which kind of priest someone is by looks alone
I would say wings for archon but that’s probably too close to dark ascension. Maybe if they levitated in combat or something
They amped up the visuals a lot from the beta. I still feel like they hit this weird middle ground where it’s a bit subtle to see when you have one popped, but when you have the third “all 3” prem ready it’s a bit TOO in your face, especially before you even activate it.
I don’t think it’s subtle, it’s very easy to see. Insight goes above the head, piety goes to the right of your body and solace goes to the left. All easy to see. Clairvoyance then shows all 3 of them and imo looks amazing.
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At the very least hope they consider a change in the color of the visuals.
Archon is clearly meant to be for Holy, Voidweaver for Shadow and Oracle for Disc so if we go by that then Holy’s characteristic color theme is Golden and Shadow is Purple leaving Disc with many spells being white so please change Oracle glow from gold to white/silver 
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I appreciate that some people think this is fantastic… but i don’t. I haven’t played my main, a discipline priest, since I picked my first hero point. It upsets me that after years almost 20 years of tweaking my character so it looks how I want it to, I am being forced to have glowing eyes and a third eye on my forehead. I feel like I’m possessed and need to be exorcised.
All Hero Talent visuals should come with some sort of toggle effects or glyphs so I really hope Blizzard takes notice of this and do something about it.
Being forced into something that does not fit your character can be a deal breaker for many.
Seeing my Night Elf Priest who is supposed to draw powers from the Light of Elune have glowy golden eyes feels wrong and I know this sounds ludicrous but it distracts me from playing the game.
Yeah i can understand that, and I think any passive effect that comes from these hero trees (mage orbs, third eye+glowing eyes for oracle) should have a glyph in the game that allows you to remove those passive effects.
Also think there should be glyphs to make them a bit more customizable, ie spellslinger mage orbs can be made to be blue to take on an appearance closer to frost. for oracle, there should be glyphs for disc that make it pulse between shadow/light, and a glyph that makes it purely shadow. That is along with glyphs to hide those effects too.
I was surprised to see them not do this at all considering the entire point of hero trees was to give people a choice to further their spec/class identity into something specific, but what about the people who don’t really resonate with either of their trees? They still have to pick one. So hiding some of the passive visuals via glyphs or something would be a good idea.
I wouldn’t hold my breath for this change. I remember in legion people asking for transmog options. IE shadow priests wanted to be able to mog staves.
I think they’ll want the “fantasy” to stick around. Though if something like oracle is evergreen, maybe they will make a glyph.
I completely agree! Totally ruined wanting to play my Priest, or Rp her with her forever activated X-men powers just blazing on her face. It should just be a glyph option to turn it off. Plus it’s extremely bright for my character’s skin tone and basically looks like a jack-o-lantern. 
I’m of the same mind on this. While the effects look alright on my character, I just hate having them there. It’s distracting and too bright. As someone who’s already turned down spell effects because I find them visually bothersome having a bright glowing eye permanently on my forehead and then a giant glowing triangle in the middle of my body in combat is wholly annoying.