Oracle Visual Effect Requires Customization Options and Toggle

Honestly, this statement goes for all of the hero talents that force a specific visual effect on characters. Hunter’s summoning pets should be able to customize them, mages with the sun orbs should be able to change the color (just not to fel green, but blue, purple, whatevs, you know). Oracles too. The golden light for eyes and the symbol? I actually love for my Draenei priestess. But for my void elf? It doesn’t work visually. So a toggle option and glyphs for customization, please.


There is a bunch of stuff I hope they add new glyphs for, and I totally support this being one of them.

I had to change my nightborne priest’s transmog to match the glow and she lost her edge and I stopped playing her (for possibly unrelated reasons but it sure didn’t help the case).


Customizations for a single hero spec seems like a big ask. A glyph to turn the effect off or diminish it heavily seems appropriate.

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So you literally didn’t read anything that I said, or you’re being purposefully obtuse.

I agree… Being Oracle on my Void Elf just feels wrong. The problem is that they chose a ‘Light-leaning’ color scheme for the effect, instead of something more neutral like white or light blue.

I agree that a glyph to minimize the effect could be the good suggestion.

While they’re at it, please add a glyph to remove the intrusive sparkles from Levitate.

I am curious why Discipline got Oracle and Voidweaver, instead of Archon. Archon has an image of Shadow AND Light user. How does that fit Holy more?

Because Voidweaver doesn’t suit Holy at all.

I assume it was based on Oracle being wholly Holy and Voidweaver being wholly Shadow. If you had Archon then the Hero talent split would be 2/3 shadow instead of 50/50. I’m also of the opinion that Oracle’s kit fits better. But then you would also have to give Oracle to Shadow and that just feels wrong thematically.