Options for auto dismounting?

Just got my mount a few minutes ago and I’m looking to find out what people are using to automatically dismount upon spell casting. I’m not good with macros and I’m already using other macros to automatically cancel druid forms, so I’m not sure how to apply something like /dismount and have it actually work properly. For example, my bear form macro is:

/cancelaura [stance:2] Aquatic Form; [stance:3] Cat Form; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Moonkin Form or Tree of Life
/cast [nostance]  Dire Bear Form
/cast Dire Bear Form

Adding the mount name in there doesn’t work and adding /dismount doesn’t work properly either. Is this something that can be done?

I have seen an addon on Wowinterface that auto dismounts. I have never used it so I can’t tell you if it is good or not, but it’s there.

Also looking to do this exact thing. I put /dismount before /cancel form and it dismounts but still tells me I’m mounted and have to pres again to cast a form. Trying to go instantly from mount to Cat form.

Here’s the addon I use: http s://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/letmecast


I’m unable to test this, as embarrassingly enough, I don’t have my mount yet, but I imagine this macro might do the trick for you:

#showtooltip MountName
/use [nomounted] MountName

Where MountName is the name of your mount. Let us know if this works for you.

EDIT: I just realized that you’re asking for something that automatically dismounts for you, when casting a spell.

If you have a particular spell in mind, like let’s say charge, you could do something like this:

/cast Charge

or maybe

/cast [unmounted] Charge;
/stopmacro [unmounted]

The answer is an addon. A macro cannot auto dismount and cast a spell that cant be cast while mounted. The macro tries to do everything in the macro at once. Yes you can add /dismount to all your macros. However, you will have to press the macro twice. Once willl dismount you and the second time will cast the spell. Also adding /dismount to every macro will not hurt it and just adds dismounting to the macro. I put /dismount and /stand in most of my macros.

Updating this thread since it came up as #1 in a search about this:

There are 3 addons that all handle dismounting your character while trying to use a skill/spell/etc. They all came out at about the same time Sept/Oct 2019.

They fire off the error message you get. Just like a macro with /dismount, you will have to hit the skill twice.

All the macros do, is dismount you. Don’t see any repeating the command that caused the error, tho this was discussed.