Option To Stay In Human Form For Evoker

Please give us the option to stay in the human form during combat for the new Evoker class.

Personally I wouldnt play it if I always had to be in the dragon form the whole time Im in combat like how a Worgen cant stay in human form during combat.

Give us the option to play it more like a DH does with its metamorphosis, where we only enter the dragon form during key abilities like that flying dragon breath ability.

I love the idea of this class, so I would really like to play it… I just dont see myself playing it if I always gotta be in the dragon form while fighting.



I was thinking the exact same thing. Or at the very, very least I hope we can have it revert to the mortal form automatically upon leaving combat. The manual toggle on worgen is tedious.


Awesome, that’ll be one less person playing it so I don’t feel quite as FOM.


Its a new class, youre going to feel that way either way.


The entire purpose of the class is that you’re a dragon doing dragon things.

Let dragons do dragon things as dragons.


I feel like they should be capable of staying humanoid in combat as they’re completely different from what Worgen are.

But I really hope they can display atleast some armor in dragon form.

The race is a dragon race already, so they would be a dragon doing dragon things without being in the dragon form.

No! Dragons do dragon things as dragons!

For real though, I don’t really care so long as it’s optional. I don’t personally want anything to do with the mortal form at all.

I’m just afraid they’ll make it like DHs exclusively and that would be a real bummer for me. lol

Yeah really.

This isn’t even the same scenario as worgen, the humanoid forms have beautiful customization options unique to them, they’re not just a male blood elf and female human. And the dragon forms don’t seem to be able to show gear, so i hope that you can choose to not be one all the time both in and out of combat.

Not like worgen where you have to manually exit out of combat, make the toggle be always in or always out (barring key abilities)

While i agree, i still think there should be a option for those who want to play this class in humanoid form only. Like a glyph or something would do.


If they are going to do that then they need to add in other forms besides Human Female and Blood Elf Male Forms for the Dracthyr.

I’m not in love with the idea of being a giant lizard with lizard spell-cast animations every time I aggro something. It’s exactly the same as worgens but makes less sense because you can really go to town on customizing your human form. At least let us heal in human form or do a revamp of “Glyph of the Stars” where we can avoid the dragon form. The new class/race is stuck in a dragon who walks on two legs form in combat. That’s a bummer for a lot of people. There are people who want the dragon form 24/7 and people who don’t. Why must they stick us with dragon form all day every day and cause people to sometimes play Evoker. It’s like being a DH stuck in Metamorphoses 24/7. The minimal use Worgens have towards their human form and then Dracthyr having a ton of customization options towards their human form doesn’t add up. Why let us customize something we can only have active when we aren’t in combat? We’re always in combat. I don’t need a highly custom form to afk in a sanctuary with or afk at the PvP vendors.
I can just wait until Evoker class becomes an option for other races. :confused:

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On beta there is an option to toggle an auto-switch back to visage form out of combat.

It’d be kinda weird to see a wingless humanoid float above people while spurting a bit of fire from their mouth, lol.

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hardly anything new in WoW. Priest Levitate and Monk Fire Breath.

I want a Druid flight form where I just flap my humanoid arms and fly. Makes as much sense.

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I think it’d be silly because what would their animation be as they float above? Swimming? Superman flying? Levitate animation with an awkward fire breath angle? I don’t think it’d work.

And then if you’re not a dragon, let dragons do dragon things and stop draggin the dragons down cause it’s a drag to the dragons when you’re draggin the dragons.


Probably this. Maybe something similar to Shadow Priest Void form with maybe Mage Dragon’s Breath, summoning a visage of a dragon head above you. But anyway I digress, I’d rather just be a dragon doing dragon things.

why do I smell burnt toast after reading this?

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