There was, in that it was changed to a WM-enabled event on the test server, but this was changed apparently on the live servers. Just avoid the capitals. And the current patch content. And anywhere else they can get to.
Also, remember, It’S jUsT oNe WeEk hAVe SoMe fUn!!!
They make the game, they can do with it as they please, regardless of previous statements of future intent. They also put War Mode into the game and made all previous PvP servers into normal or RP servers (depending on what they were prior). War Mode gives incentive bonuses in the way of increased experience and rewards. There are locations in the game which will flag you for PvP (sometimes FFA PvP) that have been around in various expansions.
And you’re knighting WM why? It was literally a middle finger to pvp players and was another in a long line of “so sorry pve guy, here’s something at the expense of pvp players.”
Would you have preferred that they make an inverse version, where-in you had to opt out of a War Mode instead? Give incentives to not play the game in the fashion they were originally intending? Or are you saying that the devs should just make PvP the mandatory setting across the board so that people know precisely where they stand on the matter?
Originally intended my behind. Do you know why they initially gave a 30% buff to ally WM? Because literally no one wanted to do it. If they didn’t give the welfare buff you’d have no one to play with. Even most horde only use it for the pve bonuses. Remove them and see what happens.
The game, as released in vanilla, was literally Horde versus Alliance. You, the player, were an adventurer aligned with one of the two factions. Tiring as it has been, they have continued to escalate tensions in this highly polarized fashion. War Mode was introduced with BfA as part of the content and the servers were otherwise homogenized in their status. PvP was given as an opt-in because clearly the players were not all on board with PvP. However, the devs have continued to make a game where-in factional warfare is a thing. They simply give players the option to join it or not. Ultimately, Blizzard is trying to tell an ongoing story. This event, the Scourge invasion (renewed via the opening of the Shadow Lands and the Maw), is part of that story. Are you saying you don’t like the story Blizzard is telling? You don’t want to actually participate in the content they are providing? There is a very easy way to do that: Don’t.
I’ve been telling people to unsub and list the event as the reason why. Whether people resub in a week or not is irrelevant. We gotta let daddy blizz know exactly where we stand.
Yeah big brain move there pvp guy. Search my post history showing I’ve said to others, and mostly done that myself. It’s 4am here so since I randomly woke up im doing some weapon stuff. Read my post right above this one as well.
Money talks where companies are concerned. If Blizzard sees they will lose a lot of money from this, maybe they will listen. If they don’t see a net loss in the matter, you’ll also see where you stand in the market. Consumers will vie for all sorts of things with a company, but if they keep buying the product, they’ll keep getting what they pay for.
If they make no opt out wpvp on pve shards the standard they will lose most of their accounts. Do you think Joe casual who just wants to no life pet battles wants to be afraid of being ganked while he does it? You guys are a minority of a minority. Try to force it on the majority and people leaving will make WoDs mass exodus look tame in comparison.
I guess 6 month subs don’t exist. And that we didn’t know until recently what was gonna happen. Or that the ptr was full of lies as we weren’t pvp flagged on pve shards but on live we are. Hm.