Option to disable Awakened Buff in Season 4

I’d like to share some feedback based on my personal experience with Awakened Raids, though some may disagree with my viewpoint. I believe that starting from week 7, there should be an option to disable the Awakened mode in raids.

As this season remasters the first three raids, it’s challenging to keep guild members engaged. The primary motivation for participating in Mythic Raids this season is to clear all three raids to unlock the portals. However, many players are not interested in gearing up a character just for this purpose. Additionally, from the start of week 6, it will become impossible to defeat Amidrassil without the Awakened buff. For guilds that managed to defeat Fyrakk later in the season—a common scenario this tier—it becomes unfeasible to re-defeat a boss they have already conquered, especially when trying to farm for the mount. This requirement to regear simply to obtain the mount for the rest of the roster can significantly demotivate players cause many are just not that interested in reclearing old Raids and doing M+ Dungeons they have already played this Expansion

In previous expansions like Shadowlands, we were able to continue defeating bosses like the Jailer until the rotation ended with the pre-patch. Allowing players to re-challenge old content as was traditionally possible would greatly benefit lower-ranking Cutting Edge (CE) guilds by keeping their roster engaged and preventing a complete drop-off in activity until the next expansion.


I haven’t played Fated in SL as I was lacking interest but as far as I understand the raids were not doable during fated at their downscaled difficulty too once everything became fated you simply had always the choice to activate or not the affixes which gave you buffs. So this doesn’t seem like changing how fated worked at least for me.

It does create the problem that you can’t simply just go back to get your mount which previous expansion generally let you do even if it became easier over time (unless it was the last raid then it was simply the same difficulty).

I have mixed feeling about this as I feel it does incentive to progress in S4 to need to clear the raid again for mounts but like you said you technically have already cleared them. But for a lot of guilds it probably would just mean that selling those mounts will be much easier as you can go there now with way more power. I know some people have proposed tying the mount to getting CE which I think would make sense.

I think in general a S4 season is pretty demotivating it’s certainly something I think that should be looked at. A lot of guilds feel they gotta play it just to stay alive and keep players busy while not really being new content for players that have already done it.


I haven’t played Fated in SL as I was lacking interest but as far as I understand the raids were not doable during fated at their downscaled difficulty too once everything became fated you simply had always the choice to activate or not the affixes which gave you buffs. So this doesn’t seem like changing how fated worked at least for me.

Thats true, but S4 in shadowlands went for 3 Months and the rotation went on till the Prepatch so guilds had the hole season till the Prepatch time to doing the olds raid non Fated.

But for a lot of guilds it probably would just mean that selling those mounts will be much easier as you can go there now with way more power

I think even though the Point about selling makes sense, but i dont think decisions should be made according to Selling the Mount. I think it would just make Sense to let Guild do the Raid non-awakened to give People another thing to do this Season. For People that like to do it on Awakened the will still get the Portals and for Guilds that dont care about that they have atleast another Activity to do with their Roster to keep them entertaint.

As a Guild leader myself i can tell from experience that its pretty hard keep you players over a Season like that. Ive also talked to a lot of other Guild- and Raidleaders and many shared a similar story. Even from a lot of people that are playing this Season ive heard that Mythic Raiding just isnt really Interessting this Season. Some just dont wanna reprogress all the Raids again and if you dont clear it there is not Really a point esp with the Bullion System.

Giving them the Ability to get the Mount they have been missing cause of the hard tuning from last tier, would definitly help keeping a raid roster over this Season till the next Addon