Opinions on Holy Power?

I saw your post before you deleted it. I’ve been playing since Classic too, not Paladin though. I’ve played every healer spec in a raid environment except for Resto Shaman at one point or another throughout the life of WoW. In fact, almost throughout the Paladin’s life, their mana was never a concern, even when it was a concern for other healers. Paladin has always been incredibly mana efficient (after Holy actually became a spec and not the meme it was in Classic.)

Current Holy Paladin is very unique and fun. It takes some getting used to, but it’s a blast. Their mechanical complexity just doesn’t come from mana management, and that’s fine. I’m just hoping they never decide to cave and force Holy Paladin to return to spamming FoL/HL, that’s an incredibly dull way to play, especially compared to the playstyle of the spec now.

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I’m a fan of it. But then again, as long as it isn’t pure mana or energy management, I think I’d be alright with most resource systems

I don’t know if were all that complex just build holy power with holy shock and crusader strike and use WoG or Lot for possible aoe but even then enh.

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Still fighting the good fight I see.

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“Weave Crusader Strikes to manage the cooldown of Holy Shock while maximizing coverage of the HS legendary, building Holy Power and then either picking a good target for WoG or turning to fire off a cone heal, probably throwing in Rule of Law to increase coverage” is more complex than “spam Flash of Light and Holy Light.” This game isn’t that hard, so it isn’t difficult to reduce anything to sound trivial. I can tell you Holy Paladin is more interesting to play in Heroic CN than Disc Priest, which is a spec that repeats the same pattern every minute to maximize Spirit Shell, and then just spams Smite in-between.


At least it’s more buttons then “Flash of Light and Holy Light” Spam, even if not by much. And don’t forget the positional requirements of melee on top of that.

well holy paladins have always had holy shock and lay on hands so idk if it was ever just holy light and flash of light and to be honest the paladin class was never all that complex.

I played Holy a lot in MoP (mostly ToT) and tbh holy power felt very nice, in addition during WoD with ES it was pretty fun.

For ret i think it almost makes sense. For prot and holy? Absolute garbage. Annoying and clunky. Builder and spender traits on tanks and healers is terrible, at least holy power is.

For prot you have to choose between heals or mitigation. No other tank spec has to sacrifice one to get the other.

For holy, you have to damage in order to heal which is terrible design. Then when you finally heal its instant full hp and people get angry on the forums.

There are no error windows for hpals. You either instaheal full hp or die.

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Until SL I hadn’t mained holy since vanilla… Once you had good enough gear it was just FoL, FoL, FoL, Oh, I cleanse on this fight? Cleanse, cleanse. etc…

Holy paladin now seems far more fun than before. I think they double go all in and make it a full melee spec with zero cast times and add healing splash to Crusader Strike.

Holy power doesn’t seem like an issue, but I’m used to that from Ret.

Nanny Buffs are terrible.

Retribution is the reason Holy Power was implemented, and it works as intended.

It allows Retribution to have strong healing, while having to choose between strong healing or strong damage.

Imagine that in pvp there wouldnt be any other healers unless they cut our healing by half again…jeebus imagine if you will a healer that can heal and NOT be interrupted lol

I like it! :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t really PVP much, so I often don’t take that into consideration when I think about ways to improve Paladins. I’m sure Blizz would figure something out.

I doubt this will happen. As someone else above said, all instant heals means not interruptable in PvP, which becomes problematic.

Just looking at what they did to Infusion of Light (no more cast time reductions), I think the devs are very wary on giving out too many instant heals to HPals.

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I only really play holy and liked it in bfa but I like it even more in Shadowlands. There is more depth than there was which I really enjoy

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Paladins used to have a GCD-busy rotation in WLK. It was ideal for castsequence faceroll macros. Players were having too much fun playing the rotation with a single macro, and enjoying those big numbers on their screen.

This hurt Ghostcrawler’s ego, so he announced that he would nerf Paladins to the ground.

So we now get this Holy Power garbage ever since Cataclysm, the worst expansion ever.

The Holy Power system doesn’t make us feel like a true hero class like the DKs. It only makes our spells clumsy and stupid. Instead of striking with our weapons with a clean swing, we are collecting these holy beans to throw at the enemy, 3 beans at a time.

Personally, I’m not a huge fan of all the holy power. It works sure, but I definitely miss CS being one of our go to spells, I miss exorcism, and then the seals orf course. Most people don’t miss the seals, but I felt like it made our class a little bit more technical.

However, there isn’t anything more gratifying as to when you build up HP and then crit for like 20K. Insane…lol

No, Paladins asked for Holy Power. Blizzard wouldn’t have given it to us without strong demand from the playerbase.

It was but a tiny niche.