Opinion: You don't need to read/watch a guide before doing a normal dungeon

All I see when someone says “go watch a vid” is this:

Wife: “Oh look Torchlight 4 comes out today!”
Me: “Awesome! Be sure to watch some streamer break down every pull of the game for 32 hours before we dive in, we can play it next week when you already know everything so our pixels don’t -fake die- and cost us some gold cause THAT would be the END OF THE WORLD”.

Playing Wow is real life. It becomes easier to treat people with a lesser respect or consideration when it feels impersonal. Wow players are real people.

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That’s my secret.

All my builds are sarcastic.

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You are right and wrong at the same time.
In an RPG it’s OK to discover things for yourself, it’s part of the fun.

But not in an MMOrpg.
You are playing with other people, who may or may not have your same amount of time available to play.

What do I mean ?
It’s a waste of everyone’s time and on top of that it’s disrespectful.
There are videos on Youtube that in 3 minutes explain you the most basic and important things.

If you don’t want to waste 3 minutes watching a video then I recommend you to go with friends or create your own group with your own rules.

It is because of attitudes like that that tanks and healers prefer closed groups.

I didn’t see it was about normal dungeons…

Carry on ladies and gentlemen.

If you can follow the basic rules of ‘Don’t stand in stuff’ and ‘Kill adds’ you are pretty set for nearly all encounters in a normal/heroic dungeon. But even then, that’s a pretty tall ask seeing some of the people I’ve grouped with leveling up… At least there’s never been a outlier mechanic that indefinitely lengthens the boss fight due to someone having zero awareness (necrotic wake…).

I’ve gone into all the new dungeons without having read the dungeon journal.

On the rare occassion we’d wipe or have a harder time on a boss than we should have, someone has opened up the dungeon journal and figured it out.

For the most part dungeon pugs have been civil and patient and worked together, in my experience. This is for both heroic and normal.

I have only had one tank who just flew through mobs in a normal dungeon. I was healing, and was able to keep everyone up, and just went along for the ride. Although I personally get a small amount of anxiety from some stranger doing giant pulls. It ended up being just fine and we finished the dungeon with 6 minutes before weekly reset/server downtime.

Only one group I have been in where someone initiated a group kick because the healer wasn’t that great. It was rejected the first time, but majority ruled the second time and they were removed. I didn’t speak up but I didn’t particularly agree with the decision.

I do not bother getting too worked up over one bad experience in a dungeon though. In my experience these kinds of people are few and far between.

A good point, and poor phrasing on my part.

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I don’t use guides/videos for anything. Even for raids/whatever.

The discovery of the mechanics and tactics is a huge part of the fun for me in RPGs, I’m not here to perform a dance others made, I’m here to figure out my own steps, that may be different from the “status quo” of fight execution, which in turn is usually just aping the world firsts’ strategy.

If I’d play normal raids and higher again, I’d let people know about this mindset in advance, just in case they are obnoxious about it, so we can both not waste our times.

For normal/heroic dungeons, this (reading guides/watching videos) is usually just a waste of time.

Its an internet, instant gratification thing. Readily available information. To me it takes the wonder of playing out of it. Who plays a new game using a cheat guide without at least trying to nut out a problem first on their own?
I think at a raid level its different to at least have an understanding of the mechanics. But the fastest thing I have done in dragonflight so far is the dungeons. No one stops, had one tank the other night just let the healer die as they rushed off to the next mob :frowning: