Opinion. Tanks in sqRBG is a poor idea

Example, Veng DH vs Prot warrior in WSG, Imagine who’s going to have the better mobility.

IMHO just keep tanks out of solo q rbgs.

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A ton of griefing tanks are queueing it seems. It’s going to lead to extreme amounts of rage. Honestly they should just not allow tanks to queue PVP. It seems to attract particularly toxic players and generally makes the game mode a lot less fun for everyone else.

Tanks in BGs actually have a role though. Carrying the flag, or defending a node.

They have never done a very good job balancing tanks in PvP. Usually every patch there are a few tanks that excel and the rest stink. But people usually over-exaggerate how strong tanks are simply because they can’t kill them solo. They find them ‘annoying’ and so they must be OP!


But they aren’t really needed to fill those roles, as evidenced by them not being required for those maps. I find flag maps more fun when there isn’t a tank in them. I find base sitting maps more fun when there isn’t a tank in them. They don’t actually have a role, it’s just that they are completely limited to only doing those two things.

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That’s totally fine that you feel that way. But that goes back to what I was saying, the thing people don’t like about tanks is that they make the game “less fun”, which isn’t a valid reason to want something removed.

There are a lot of classes and specs that make the game less fun (common examples are rogues, mages, or DKs due to control). Hell, even healers get complained about constantly for being too powerful. But just because something is annoying to play against isn’t a good enough reason to advocate for its removal.

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Exactly. Strangely enough people don’t complain much about healers being most of the time harder to kill thn tanks.

IMO they should have nerfed tanks dmg instead of making them take way more dmg, their primary job is to stay alive not kill others and healers should heal less when they heal themselves because their primary job is to keep others alive and not stay alive, the team must protect healers.


Players have as much right to enjoy tank specs in BG as anyone,

Yes, some tank specs will be better at BG. Just like some healers and DPS specs are better than others.

I had a great time on BDK in Blitz last 2 seasons, I’ll be playing it again this season for sure.


Dumbest idea ever and you should feel bad for this take.

How about we balance around the 3 Class roles. If ANY tank is underperforming in RBGs buff them!!! It’s that simple.

Personally I think all RBGs should require a Tank just like a Healer. They should be that important.

With that said I only play Prot in PvP and that will never change.

Tanks are the foundation of PvP. They are 1 of the 3 Class roles. Your take is not just bad but wrong.

  • Objective based PvP should be based around Tanks supporting Heals/Dps.

There is only one base sitting map in the Blitz rotation. The rest have more dynamic flags.

On a 5 flag map, where they reset, agressivley stopping a recap at a base the enemy locked for a cycle can be a game changer.

Say they took LM, but Iget there on a tank just as it resets, if I can hold half that team at one node, one they aren’t getting points at, while the rest of my team is 7v4 on the other 4 nodes, I am creating opportunities for my team to make plays of their own.


Tanks shouldn’t be sitting though. They should be in the team fight and buffing their team and reducing the enemies damage so you can win that fight.

This idea that Tanks should be some meat shield is soooo outdated. They should be on the front line making their team better.

For one as Prot I reduce the damage my team takes by 30% with Demo shout. Making it easier for Healers. Then I have knocks, and huge enemy control. There needs to be more design like this where Tanks greatly improve the chance of winning the battle from buffs/debuffs.

I like to see Taunt reworked and be more impactful. Then more buffs/debuff gameplay added.


Yes agree mostly, 3 flag is the only map type that still has static bases, and probably the only one with a relevant teamfight.

Honestly in Blitz, if you are in the teamfight you might be in the wrong place.

You can make a lot of plays on a tank.