Opinion on mage

What’s everyone’s opinions on mages?
I’m just looking for the good and bad. And a conversation starter if anybody is bored :slight_smile:

I give them less respect than hunters which says something. It’s nice if you want to just take a tour of hardcore but I personally feel like there isn’t anything hardcore about playing a mage.

I’m just curious ? Why’s that.
I just died on my rogue level 47, bunch of crap spawned on me and vanish was on CD thinking of rolling mage next. Mage portals seem very nice once you hit 20.

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Just specc frost and you win the game. Congrats nothing will hit you. And if something does manage to hit you, guess what it has a chance to be rooted and everything will be slowed. Oh and if you manage to get into a tough spot everything is in your favor, you have an escape for almost everything. Even fall damage. It’s boring but if you just want to survive it’s definitely good for that.

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I mean that honestly doesn’t sound bad. I’m looking to raid once I hit 60 (as long as I can live obviously lol) but it’s sorta my goal .

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Mage is great. once you get the hang of aoe farming leveling can be very fast as well, or go a more single target frost spec and literally kill anything your level that can be slowed.

high ground is everywhere when the world is moving in slow motion

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Love a mage personally. I don’t AOE farm, I play a hybrid frost/fire spec, I think people call it elementalist, but I made my own variant up. Didn’t follow a cookie cutter guide, so my points aren’t in a set way.

I just find the single target playstyle more enjoyable while I drink my coffee and relax, utilizing my utility spells as needed. I would kind of liken it to how I play it to a hunter, just without a pet.

Very enjoyable class. I know AoE is more popular and tends to get the most, whether reactions good or bad, out of people lol. It is what it is I suppose, play what you have fun playing. It is a video game.

I just hit level 44 on it on Skull rock and its a blast. Been enjoying playing it solo and in groups. Not as easy to farm efficiently since its not as AoE intense, but I don’t really dwell on efficiency. I do what’s fun for me lol.

Good luck to you and most importantly, have fun!

Oh…and the ports…are great! lol


Only thing i dont like about mage is drinking every fight.
Warlock never needs to drink.
And priest neither.

But mage is pro aoe and has portals


These kinds of opinion are trash, sorry. People like this have sad lives and seek to suck the enjoyment out of other people’s time to bring them down on their own level of misery.

The game is decades old and easy. There’s no difference in avoiding caves and single pulling on a rogue vs mage. Both extremely doable and the varying level of skill required between the two is negligible. It’s still vanilla WoW at the end of the day. It’s not like one is the equivalent of being a cutting edge raider and the other is LFR.

OP - Play what you enjoy playing. Don’t gimp your days of playtime in enjoyment over someone else’s lacking opinion of the game

As a mage, I don’t like making truckloads of water for people though. AoE farming is the line between gratification and instant death if done slightly incorrectly, and that play style is extremely fun, but difficult in some cases


got blink for fast travel, got evocation, got its own mana and food, and it got teleports and portals.

i can tell you when my played was 1d 16h, the others my level were nearly 3d played.

tons of saved time at mid levels.


In classic mages are gods. They level the fastest, make the most gold, are indispensable in raids, and every group wants a mage pretty much.

In HC they are very unsafe for novice players. You will most surely die on a mage if you try to AOE at all in HC and aren’t an expert at mage.

So most of their strengths vanish in HC unless you are an expert mage player.

The only way to play a mage in HC as a non-expert is via single target attacks and very defensive talent trees mostly in frost.

It’s boring and slow. But it is extremely safe.


I leveled my paladin during phase 2 of Classic with a warlock friend who would always give me a few stacks of mage water before we started our questing or dungeon grinding sessions. :slight_smile:

Always depends at which speed you grind.
Priest for instance could just throw a dot mind blast, pw shield and wand til mob death and go to next, youll never need water with spirit tap.
But if you keep casting spells for higher dps output, yes youll burn your mana.
Affli lock will rarely drink, other 2 specs probably more. Due to their nature they can grind at respectable speed though without using too much mana.
Mage on the other hand is built arround spells which consume lot of mana. The level of damage you reach from spells is way higher than what you get from wanding, mage does not have dots for instance.
Thats probably why its the only caster that can create its own mana. He really needs to drink ALL the time

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I remember back in vanilla 2004 when I was 13 years old, i was told that Warrior Priest Mage was the holy trinity that was required for dungeon groups (tank healer damage). Without a Mage, your group just wouldn’t do enough damage. Especially AOE damage, which really showed when we failed the Divine-O-Matic quest.

Really? I barely remember anyone using AoE at all for dungeon levelling, because it was a sure-fire way to steal threat and wipe the group.

Well prot pally concecration with mage blizzard and warlock firerain is pretty neat :laughing:

The deathlog statistics prove you wrong.

Watch out for the level 16 alliance mage quest, I am now on Ouchietwo because of that one.

All those elementals in the Blue Recluse.

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