Operation: Mechagon lockout and grouping bug

this is still happening. attempting King on Hard Mode

My friends and I have the EXACT same issue!!! Problem is that 1 of the 5 of us from the original group isn’t on so even though the work around Grimlos mentioned works for us, it would mean we have to 4 man HK-8.


Our group ran into this as well. So we had cleared up until HK, wiped a few times then went to bed. Then 4 of us came back the same week to pick up where we left off, then ran into the bug. We tried a variety of things, nothing worked. So I went into the instance alone and HK was where he was supposed to be. Invited the other guys and they came into the instance but they were phased out and they had the bug still, but they then tried going into the instance alone without a group, and we could all see eachother inside the instance out of a group, then formed a group inside the instance where HK was where he was supposed to be. So maybe that will help

i also had the same bug. on tuesday we killed 3 out of 4 bosses and left Aerial Unit up. wednesday we tried to resume where we left off and Gobbamak had respawned and the aerial unit was patrolling him. when we entered the instance alone, everything appeared normal. as a group in the journal it shows the bosses defeated but when we zone in, Gobbamak respawns eventhough he was deafeated the day before.

having same issue

Still an issue today.

We had the same issue today. Started instance yesterday and progressed to HK but then lockout was all messed up when we went back today. King was still up and unit was flying over him so we couldn’t get to him. We ended up switching toons and playing a lock out we had at KUJO instead.

Same issue. Just did this today (now). We did submit tickets for bugg. For clarification: Our issue was having stopped at King G. and locked out-when we came back to continue it now had HK flying over and was in hard mode. We were unable to continue. We suspect if you get past King G. and then lock out and return it will continue properly but we are not sure.

I hope we have a response from Blizzard before the weekly reset.

Same issues here.
4 of us from original group had first 3 bosses down last night, we come back today to continue and it is putting myself and one person together, and the other two together, and we can’t see each other’s “group”. Whether we zone in first and invite, or party up then step in.
The fifth person who was not in the original group isn’t even the issue. We try without them in the party and it’s still splitting us - who were there together originally.

Same thing happened to us. Started late so just cleared the first 3 bosses and left HK up. Came back the next day to progress but had to sub a different person and King was up with HK hovering. Annoying as Hell.

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Hey Blizzard let’s get this fixed, yeah?

Where is the response???

We cleared Hardmode all the way to King, it was 11:30pm so we decided to wait until today to finish it. It will not let us all into a group together at the King with Hardmode available. Lame bug Blizz, a fix or an excuse about it being on purpose would be great.

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same thing happened to my group today we logged last night and came back today to finish it and and there is a wall up that will not let us pass to do tussel tonks