Operation Bottom Feeder not coming up

I am coming back to the game after a long hiatus and I am unable to continue the achievements to unlock the Zandalari Trolls as the Operation: Bottom Feeder quest is not auto accepting. I have looked at my completed quest log on WoWHead and it does not show it being completed I have almost 10k rep with the honorbound.

If you abandoned the breadcrumb quest you may need to move on to the next quest in the series.

To double check, you’re on a toon that’s at least level 60 right?

BFA endgame stuff was made level 60 with Dragonflight’s prepatch.

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Where does this silly idea come from ?

BfA endgame stuff is level 50 still. What you mean is the leveling zones scale up to 60 :

I am not thank you it was driving me crazy lol

…from personal experience.

The map is just not updated. Endgame Quests of BFA require level 60 now, like the quest to unlock world quests, as well as the war campaign.

In case you weren’t aware, the war campaign takes place on Zandalar/Kul Tiras, not Mechagon. I didn’t know how to phrase it other than endgame quests.

They made BFA scale to 60 even outside of Chromie Time - feel free to go check a BFA zone on your 70, the mobs are level 60. It made world quests annoying cause my 64 mage (at the time) needed Storm’s End Rep and actually had to fight the mobs like they were regular mobs despite being 2 expansions old.

the next step is to talk to the tattersail and they do not have the take me out to sea option when I talk to them.

So 8.0 zones that are used for leveling.

Every other raid/end game activity is still level 50 :

So let’s stop saying silly things like “BfA end game is scaled to level 60”.

As soon as I hit level 60 and went to Zandalar I got the auto-accept prompt so the end game quests are scaled to 60 to trigger.