Opening up transfers from Angerforge to Skyfury is a good idea

Actually, merging Angerforge into Skyfury would be even better.

Angerforge was a great idea at the time. It took some pressure off of Skyfury when there were long queues. There are no longer queues on Skyfury whereas Angerforge population is dwindling down to nothing. Please merge our poor server into a functional one. I can’t even buy common glyphs or other items because no one is filling in the gaps in the auction house.

Please let us off this sinking ship!

I also have had to move from Angerforge to skyfury by making new toons, after wasting my time over there when people left. I understand its a risk that you take any time you play on a new server, but I am returning player after 15 years of NOT playing. So having zero gold and no idea what you are doing, and working your butt off to get to 70ish only for the server to die is quite irritating. I would also greatly appreciate moves off of Angerforge.

an even better question, and I know I will get trolled for this…When will we be able to use our Boost on skyfury? That would also alleviate the problem. 90% of the server or greater is already max level with multiple alts and full raid gear. When will there be enough to open it up?

Lots of folks asking for this. Hopefully Blizz responds soon. Horde is as good as dead at the moment.


Horde (Level 80)

Last 7 days

Total characters recorded: 205

They opened Jin’do (fresh pvp 2) > Thekal (fresh pvp 1) on EU. Can someone check if Angerforge (fresh pvp 2) > Skyfury (fresh pvp 1) is open?

It was actually the worst idea at the time. Everyone knew the queues would go away at launch. And they did.

Horrible idea. The pay to win boost was a massive slap in the face to the classic community who was promised no micro transactions. Keep that garbage off the fresh servers forever.

It is indeed

In what way are you “paying to win” LOL… sorry i didnt realize you win the game by reaching level 70 in a level 80 expansion in which youve done the leveling 90000 times with no RDF or JJ buff.

Or does the boost come with a level 80 character, a full naxx set, all achievements, and a glad ranking?

Pretty sure they’re a troll that just spouts contrarian statements and hot takes.

oh 100%, but who isnt yanno.

Prayers have been answered.

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A free max level character at the swipe of a credit card is the purchase of in game progress and an in game advantage for real life money.

Purchasing a boost and purchasing any of those things you listed are the exact same. It’s the purchase of progress for money, aka pay to win.

Everyone knew this would happen. You were a sucker

Where do I even begin.

“free” with just a swipe! Oh so its not free.
“max level” oh you mean a level 70? Unless you are on a TBC era server that’s not max level.

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