Opening the Map is freezing the game?

Normie here, not sure why this is happening, is this a known bug?


Try disabling addons one by one to narrow down the problem. Some addons can break when a new patch hits, if something they rely on was updated and the creator hasn’t been able to fix it yet.

Here’s a thread from Reddit, some folks said TomTom and / or unit frame portraits within ElvUi were the issues: Game crashing when opening map : r/wow (


Yep known bug, been doing this at least a week now, Still occurring for me.

And there have been reports (me included) where people have disabled all add-ons, loaded game, and the issue still occurs, no no problem is not necessarily connected to an add-on, it is for Blizz to resolve.


buy new pc

Lmao, it occurs no matter what I do. It’s not the PC it’s the game itself.


This happened to me earlier after lowering my render scale below 100% in settings. Not sure if it’s relevant but thought id say something in case.


Any even saying its a bug from blizz about this? Getting annoying getting kicked by opening a map. Didn’t start til TWW EA either


It is pretty bad. Not being able to open the map for fear of crashing the game, in a new area where I don’t know where places are yet is real annoying. And forget about checking what world quests are up, that’ll crash it too.

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Entering flightmode tend to get me disconnected. Now when I summon a flying mount, I make SURE the whole summoning animation completes and then wait a second or two before trying to take off.

Disconnected me, failing the weekly fishing tournament in Hallowfall. This really is appalling. My mistake was to enter combat.

Didn’t even load the map. But whatever is causing this issue extends further then when opening the map. I entered combat, and when the mob had 300k hp left out of 7m, (I entered Killing Spree) it was too much and I got d/c.

Really poor Blizz.

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Maybe helpful for others or not but for me the map opening disconnects are related to dynamic flight, switched to steady flight and no d/c after several map openings


What is that mean lol

Every once in awhile the game would freeze when I opened the map, but now it’s almost every time and it goes beyond the map and into clicking on the quests.

I’ve tried everything it seems to be growing progressively worse.

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Been using Mapster for decades, so far so good here but I do remember a few expansions back opening the map would result in a slight stutter to the game. Haven’t seen that in years though.

Still happening, opening the map freezes the game most times.
After a month and a half.


Same deal here, been having the same issue since at least pre-patch.

Tried all the potential fixes but no such luck.

Someone on the EU forums had the same issue (even down to the same CPU and GPU) but his fix unfortunately didn’t work for me (switching from DX11 to 12).

Try disabling any Addons and see if the same thing happens. Many Addons have a massive impact on the game. And can do this. If you find the addon doing it. Remove and /reload. If it keeps happening open a support ticket or ChatGPT can help find answers.

That’s true, I was originally unable to reliably test the addon causing the issues because freezes were random.

I found out a few days ago that opening the map in a delve will usually cause a freeze, so I guess I’ll test it out again. Hopefully it is an addon issue.

Happened to me last week, I reinstalled all my addons and it seemed to go away