Opened timewalking Cache before hotfix

I submitted a ticket because I opened my timewalking cache before you hotfixed it and was given a 424 Beacon of the Beyond instead of the 493 that the cache should have given me.
I submitted a ticket and they told me they aren’t going to fix that and I should bring my problem here.
I would love to be given the appropriate item as it was not my fault that the weekly timewalking cache was bugged and not giving the appropriate reward.


Until such a time that the Devs decide whether to adjust already gained rewards, then GMs will not be able to assist in this matter.

Customer Support forum does not collect feedback for the Devs and cannot assist in this matter.

Should you wish to provide feedback, then you will need to post either in a forum where feedback is collected (outside of any of the Support forums) or you can submit feedback in game.


A regular that frequents the forum… that is intended for players to assist other players.

I’ll bet my next 12-month subscription that “these” or “Customer Support” or any variation therein were not used in that statement to support your claim in any way.

The forum they mean is the Bug Report forum.


Customer Support forum is a player-to-player help forum with Blizzard Support Forum Agent (SFA) oversight.

I am merely relaying the information we have seen the SFAs state themselves in this very forum.

My apologies if you were offended by my providing information, as that was definitely not my intent.

Best of luck in your endeavors.


I also had the same response… So they aren’t going to fix the bug or anything? what do we do then?

Wait til next time?

Nobody knows. There is nothing GM’s can do on an individual basis. There will either be a development side fix that corrects it for everyone or not. I haven’t seen any information about any hotfixes yet.


They have already applied a hotfix for the bug and people that have completed it after the fix are getting the correct item level. Whether or not the devs decide to correct the issue retroactively is unknown. GMs cannot fix the issue for you unless the devs give them the ability to do it, so putting in a ticket for them to resolve the problem is a waste of time.

The best you can do is post in the bug report forum that is monitored by devs (though they rarely reply to threads). Or, use the method in game to provide feedback to express your concern.


The bug was fixed only a few hours after it was discovered.

Sadly seeing as you already done the weekly they can’t just take the item and let you do it again basically giving you a reroll. That’s opening a can of worms that I don’t think many want open.

Optimally this is avoided in the future and they can use the information gathered from this to prevent it, but worse case just wait a day before the TW grind. It is lasting a week after all.

I got a 499 ring yesterday worked fine with me

This is bs… Fix it for those of us that did the quest and opened it before the fix Bliz!!

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The only ones that can change it is the devs, and they don’t come here for feedback

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There hasn’t been a fix at all yet.


Either it wasn’t and people just got lucky, or they were re-broken. Either way, still needs a fix now

I opened my bag after the hotfix, received a Flame-Wraped Curio from last season, grey text 441. Where as someone in my party at the exact same time received a 502 beacon trinket.

Much like everyone else, my ticket told me to come to the forums. The dispairity feeling in wow gives me a sadface =(


Yes, Customer Service Representatives tend to not have anything to do with bug fixing.

Unless you had your hearts set on a Vault trinket or ring (don’t think any incredible weapons came out of that raid) you can just go get more 493+ gear from M0 dungeons or go into +2s.

Nobody is saying this isn’t unfortunate for those of you who lost out on the chest, but it doesn’t look like any retroactive fix is coming.

Is this fixed or not? Been waiting to turn in the quest.


This… I don’t want to be the guinea pig :stuck_out_tongue:

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People are still getting Flame Warped Curios and vendor Fish (useless) so doesn’t sound fixed to me!