Open that wallet!

Now blizzard we know you have deep Diablo immoral whale pockets.

You know how bad it’s going to look if you are posting about 24 million dollars on twitter and release an underwhelming expansion right?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I expect Luis Vuitton dragons.

Gm wait time should be 10 seconds.

Pretend you have another lawsuit. Treat Dragonflight like your team of lawyers. Open that pocketbook!

It’s a good start releasing the expansion early because that means with all this new wealth you can get more things done quicker😊

Spend your way out of the shadowlands and back into our good graces.


And with that, this post changed WoW forever!


Your reply is perfection. Nothing more need be said; you nailed it right out of the gate.

And thanks for the outright belly-laugh, as well!

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OP, you might wanna add a /sarc tag to that.

/Raises glass in a toast

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Ok /sarc haha

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It’s almost like Diablo and WoW are different game franchises.

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I knew what you meant, and appreciated your original post.

/raises glass

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I keep my credit cards saved on my account so I never have to open my wallet.

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Can’t wait to see at least one person not get it again :slight_smile:


What’s in your wallet…


Good observation, and it does seem that way! I’ve felt this way for some time.

And don’t get me started on how they’re slowly dropping support for those of us that play on Mac OS.

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Do you mean dragons designed by Luis Vuitton, or Luis Vuitton made out of dragons?

Because I’m good either way.


I miss the original versions of that commercial…

A 3x5" glossy photograph of Samuel L. Jackson dressed like this


Yeah… Commercials just aren’t as good as they used to be.

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Yup. And home-grown commercials, too. I still remember right after 9/11 when a local retired celebrity news anchor went off-script in his local furniture chain ad with a rant that started “WE’RE COMING FOR YOU, OSAMA!”

You need a bigger wallet, because the minimum recommended size for a photo of SLJ is 8” X 10”!


Social Security is trying to hold me liable to payments made to me long after I requested they stop (got married in december, alerted them to the change in december, called back multiple times, continued to get paid and no resolution until less than a month ago.

I assumed I’d just need to give it back, but here there are waivers for that exact situation, essentially it isn’t my fault they couldn’t be bothered to turn off the faucet in a timely manner even when prodded and if I can make the claim they’ll let me keep some or even all of it.

Wish me luck, I’ll go ahead and preorder if I hear good news by month’s end.

Local commercials are usually hilariously bad, at least here. Not bad bad just… ya know, unpolished I guess? Adds to the charm though I suppose. :slight_smile:

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