A favor? So, you have the problem.

You are lying and hiding behind a second account to post with.

I don’t think anyone here is insisting you quit the game, just stop scamming players and leave us the eff alone. Get it in your narcissistic brain that no one here likes you and by your own actions you are regarded as a pariah on Wyrmrest Accord, Moon Guard and it seems like Grobbulous as well. No one cares about you, your stupid guilds or your PVP videos…the only way you can get players to join anything you do is by spamming them with invites. So take your stupid little addon, your unhinged victim complex, your incel BS roll them all up into a tiny little ball and shove them all up your tiny little peehole cause I’m sure its the only action your micropeen is ever going to get.

most people do when it comes to egotistical, bigoted, obnoxious scammers ya

smear campaign against Truthspeaker smh

This whole topic is a smear campaign against me

It’s a failure though

Just like your transmog.

No he has your names lol


that’s the point you dim bulb, i haven’t even bothered mogging

what brilliant creative angle are you gonna go for next? my Xbox gamerscore?

I dont play xbox

Im not that hyper.

I think your tinfoil hat is on too tight there.

Have you looked in a mirror lately? Your helmet is cringe. You don’t have the right to criticize someone else’s look.

Complain to Blizzard if my graphics need fixing.

My armor set is a lot nicer than Cyclops Paladin.

Your armor looks bad. Your helmet looks bad.

You’re like an unfunny lord helmet. You probably breathe like him too before bursting out asking your where the mountain dew is.

Why did you create this topic?

You would never tell the truth. That’s a fact.

Why are you still wearing white gear at level 12 when the starter island gives you a full set minus boots lol

You look like some edgelord whose grandma is making him pose for a picture of the new green socks and gloves she knitted for you.

Lol i didnt do the starter island

I did the normal blood elf starting zone, so i could run to Org to start the guild, which i had no problem doing since Wyrmrest Accord has love for Varsinax.

The only people who have a problem with me are elitists who obviously feel threatened, after I ran them off the RP scene of Moon Guard back in the day.

The gods themselves do tremble :roll_eyes:

Absolutely no one is intimidated by you.

You don’t have that name anymore though lol.

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but you have the time and energy to bounce between characters, guilds, factions, and entire servers all while occasionally resurfacing on forums to hype yourself up and fail miserably on refuting others or proving them wrong with positive, actual change


This is not what we need at the top of WRA Forums. Let’s all stop commenting and make a forum post that talks about how to promote more positive rp :smiley:

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This is a serious RP thread.






Whatever you say Schutzstaffel Watch To.

I’m glad you got out of the claws of him, Gwyneth lol.

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