Only if you’re /yelling RPing while you pvp in Warsong gulch
Order! Order! Let’s please have some order in the castle. Thank you.
You have no power here ghost remember you were quickly destroyed at the beginning of the thread and now only exist as an annoying spectre that yells gibberish the outside of Castle Azeroth LGBT+ Nightclub and Sushi Bar.
order some fresh bofa
Alright I will work on a video
Anybody can take anything out of context and make it seem bad, which is what you just did, but it didn’t work.
Nice try though.
We’re gonna do some real fun things with the castle this year.
Yes lots of fun things happening inside the LGBT+ Nightclub and Sushi Bar Castle Azeroth but sorry no homophobes or misogynists allowed inside the inner courtyard. Transphobic ghosts nobody wants around are quarantined to the nearby bog of endless farts.
WoW is an LGBTQ game.
I play WoW.
I’m pretty sure I’m okay with LGBTQ.
In what context would “women should be locked in kitchens” or “I only listen to straight men” be anything but bad?
When im at home in my kitchen
I wanna be locked in
So strangers cant just walk into my house
And if im not around any gay people
Then how can i listen to them?
I would listen to them if they were around.
The single most disappointing reality of our era is that mediocrity and outright incompetence like the above gets a pass in basically any venue but only if youre a garbage person.
It’s disappointing you came here to join the attack.
I suppose I have to honor the right of a warrior
To battle.
Aw come on, the Stormwind Embassy raid vids were fun
We’re gonna do this every day
In this castle.
You are IC dead and quarantined to the bog of endless farts for all time.
No im not lol
Dont be bad at rp like that
People please like this post if you agree that Varsinax is ICly dead and his wretched soul bound to the bog of endless farts forever.