Open Question: An Alternative to Queues?

another blizzard cop out. how about just getting better servers?


My main complaint with layering is that fractured the world and the player base. One the reasons I like Classic over Retail is the server community.

That being said, I think the current queues are fracturing the player base more than layering ever did.

I think we should bring layers back as a temporary solution and remove them again when the time is right.


Yes, please re-open layering. we are experiencing 5hr+ ques on raid night and its a huge pain to babysit my character just so i can stay online for raid.


You know what will happen if you enable layering? Then people wouldn’t care that their realm is overpopulated, and you would see even more people piling up on these mega servers.


Yes please


No thank you - layering removes players from one another and separates the community. People that choose to be on a large server knew this was a possibility. Choices have consequences and benefits. Driving fast means you get there faster, and increases your likelihood of death if you crash.


Yes, layering for whitemane.


Yes. The shelter in place measures are temporary, so please apply a temporary fix until we are all back to normal (for the most part).

Gameplay? How can someone talk about gameplay if they can’t even play the game due to a queue?


I play on Whitemane. During peak play times we are experiencing 3-7 hour queue times. Can we get as many layers as needed to make that < 10min?

Also, due to Whitemane’s very high population, the world bosses basically do not exist.


Please, speaking as someone who raids on Whitemane and have experienced queues with times of up to 6 hours having an extra layer or two would be a blessing. Its an absolute headache and stressor to have to log in over 4 hours early before raid just to beat the monstrous queues on raid days and maintain the log in time while working from home on a separate computer. I don’t enjoy it and it’s not fun. And it’s gotten to the point the game is borderline unplayable


Absolutely not. DO NOT turn layering back on PLEASE. Layering literally ruined the game and caused massive issues with resources.

Turning layering back on prior to green dragon release would be an incredibly large disappointment.


Yes please readd layering even as a temporary solution. It is a better option they having us transfer off and add queues to other servers or split up guilds. As a whitemane player its become almost impossible to put together any type of gathering even during non-peak hours. Queues begin as early as 12pm server some days.


Anything that shortens queues I am in support of! I really like how Blizzard is doing posts like this. They want our feedback, and that means they are listening! Bravo!


Yes. Please layer the high pop servers while these ques are insane.


Better solutions would have been to put faction restrictions on character creation, transfers, the queue box itself… but since you didn’t do any of that, ya, I guess layering is what we’re left with.


Please add this in! Between the ques and exploitation of the economy this will help level set things, especially as we go into two heaver raid phases.


Yes the pros out weigh the cons


Yes, absolutely! Turn it on right now! Please, before my guild transfers!

Ideally, you can then get to thinking of an even better strategy to prevent abuse of layer with regard to world bosses and resource spawns, but for now…Just do it!


No layering.


I’m a GM on Faerlina. Our guild has 6 raids that are clearing BWL. Every single raid is struggling because of queue times. Last Tuesday, we told people to queue up at 5pm for a 9pm raid. There was one person who queued up at exactly 5pm and was still 20 minutes late to raid. 4hr20min queue. This isn’t some 30-60 minute queue that can be worked around. It’s destroying raids. I’ve spoken to GMs on Faerlina on Horde and Alliance and there are several raids that just can’t happen because people can’t show up. It’s a miserable experience to get disconnected for going to the bathroom, only to come back to another 4hr+ queue.

I understand that this will tank the black lotus market, but we kind of need that too. The lotus market is getting well over 200g for flasks. Not that we need it for BWL, but it will get worse once AQ and Naxx comes out.

I know none of this is a popular opinion, but a queue size like this is worse than layering. I would just be curious how world bosses, AQ war effort, etc., would be handled.