Its the principle. People dont like it being neccassary to invest a lot of time to swap something in pursuit of optimization.
People dont like that.
Its the principle. People dont like it being neccassary to invest a lot of time to swap something in pursuit of optimization.
People dont like that.
Why does this keep getting weirder, I thought we were friends
I didn’t say it was a bad thing! Have fun however you like! It’s just the truth.
Boredom does a terrible thing to the mind, I apologize. I took the cake comment and ran with it.
I want to play their stories.
I don’t want to nerf myself by picking a cov ability that doesn’t work for my class/spec.
I’m just going level 4 of each class, I guess. I guess that’s what blizz wants?
I basically do LfR now and I don’t like player power being tied to them .
Then again I used to do above lfr and still have that desire to push myself.
Because this isn’t World of Covenantcraft and Covenants are going to go away at the end of the expansion, our classes are with us every expansion. One is an actual permanent decision the other is a borrowed power meant to augment our classes. Classes are not built around Covenants, Covenants are built around classes.
Because Rogues have specs they can swap between allowing them to be as optimal as they can be for each area of the game they want to play. Covenants do not allow you to swap between them.
You can change covenants so that is possible without having 4 classes. It just comes with a penalty of some sort. I wager it wouldn’t be something so bad that it’d be worth leveling 3 more times for.
“The game is about picking a Covenant and playing the game with it.”
How is that any less true? It’s no less content than “being a monk”.
For one, if changing Covenants takes more than an afternoon of effort-- less than levelling and gearing a full character-- I will videotape myself eating a pair of my own pants. For two… Do you only have one character you play now? I’m just as excited to pick the Covenants for my alts as I am my main.
I like the covenants, personally. But I’m also aware that I’m in a minority here.
Will this be on twitch or youtube? Just curious.
And you say I like eating weird foods.
Because Covenants are a borrowed power than will disappear after the expansion. Our classes do not augment our covenant abilities. Covenants augment our classes abilities.
This was said in response to him asking why we don’t want to swap classes but we do covenants. Keep the context there, don’t look at the statement in a vacuum.
But the whole notion of Tier Sets was to complete your character so you can progress. How are Covenants any different?
Why do people think that Covenants need to bend uncharacteristically around us, the interloper, instead of assimilating into them?
Why do people keep thinking that single-player and multi-player means that trade-offs can’t exist because there happens to be other people around you?
Kay. I’m still not sure how that makes it any different than “Classes are a choice because Blizzard designed the game that way”, which is what
Means. We can’t swap classes because it’s not FFXIV, we’re meant to stick to a Covenant because it’s WoW.
The better to up their time played numbers for their investors
That’s the current design philosophy. We are talking about why people want that philosophy to change. He asked that question.
Fair! I’ll give you that.
I’m going to stream it on Twitch, and record that stream on my phone to upload to Youtube.
Awesome, and ontop of the benefit of getting all those viewers. You will have your daily intake of fiber all out of the way.
Back with tier sets classes already felt complete . Like I said they were like icing on the cake . You could still function fairly well without them .
With the borrowed power systems of Legion on (Artifact Weapon , Azerite gear ect) you would be hard pressed to do any content in those expansions without them .
Tier enhanced the class and Borrowed power completed the class.