If it had wings like the hunter class mount we’d be cooking. It looks scrappy, but out of place for KSM. It looks like a rep mount.
Also, yeah where’s that murloc mount??
If it had wings like the hunter class mount we’d be cooking. It looks scrappy, but out of place for KSM. It looks like a rep mount.
Also, yeah where’s that murloc mount??
I need this NOW.
Its just like heaven and hell difference between the two. I have no idea what they were thinking. Murloc mount would have been a super hit! xD
ive never laughed at a mount before but seeing the photo gave me a giggle… but then seeing it hop in the video had me rolling xD i wouldnt use it but id mount up just for the meme
WAIT! That is a Dracthyr in Dracthyr form riding a mount! I’m glad they made some exceptions to the “visage for riding” clause.
This is incredibly upsetting.
How did this get the green light?
When both high end raiding and high end pvp get flying mount customization,
why is high end m+ not being given the same treatment?
It’s an expansion centered around flying, giving m+ a ground mount reward for such an achievement feels like a slap in the face.
i honestly thought the SL KSM mounts looked like crap. maybe its cuz im a biased shaman and have the best mount using that rig. now the SL pvp mounts, those are glorious
kinda looks like behemoth from ffxiv. really feels lack luster compared to SL mounts. should make it a dragonriding mount at the very least.
Last I read the reward for gladiator is both the customization for your dragonriding mount and also a regular flying mount that is usable in the rest of the world. Dunno if the skin for the protodrake will work the same way, but that is how the glad mount was supposedly going to work if they haven’t changed it.
i like the design, but i would much prefer if it was flashier like the SL ones. it looks like a rep mount
I’m aware that I’m probably gonna catch some heat for this, but I hate the fact that this game has “seasons” at all, let alone seasonal rewards. I miss the good old days when the game just had patches and the content/rewards largely stuck around.
“Seasons” are just patches in this game. They coincide with the release of a new tier, which means new gear and new rewards. The only thing that’s changed is how they refer to those content cycles…and the fact that they’ve started giving PvE players mount rewards like those who do high level PvP have been getting since TBC.
Looks rad as hell.
Honestly, I had my doubts to begin with when they announced the expansion and its features. It is very basic, which is fine - but being basic they should have been able to put more effort into everything in the expansion. They love to spout how this would cost a raid tier, blah blah blah - but when they cut the content in previous expansion by one patch and make it a Warlords Repeat and then right out of the door, you’re seeing bare minimum effort across the board. This isn’t a good sign for the expansion. I except it to honestly be a repeat of shadowlands or worse. The main issue is the player base keeps accepting the quality declining slowly and doesn’t backlash.
They screwed up with the 500-mount achievement TWICE and got backlash for that and still haven’t learned in this situation. Still haven’t added a 450-mount achievement. They’re being lazy. This is a reskinned KODO mount from the original game. Going to have the same wonky original movements and skeleton. No one is going to use it because it is a ground mount.
Blizzard is treating Mythic + players as secondhand players and putting the most minimal effort into the system and rewards. This is a large player base, and it needs to be treated like the arena player base. Unique cosmetics. Unique mounts/ rewards. I have played this game since vanilla and was starting to get burnt out before mythic plus came out. Now it keeps me playing. If they’re going to start crapping all over Mythic + players and continue to put minimal effort across the board i’m not going to continue paying the same or more for less content and effort.
I will be watching this closely as all other news for changes. I doubt there will be any though. I knew it was a bad sign when I wasn’t seeing the rewards for Mythic plus up till now. They were putting it aside till last (because Mythic plus players aren’t priority to them) and throwing it together at the last minute to meet their expansion deadline.
They keep saying they listen to the player base and take the feedback, but this and a lot of other stuff shown for this expansion shows otherwise. No Archeology update still when the expansion is focused on exploration with each factions ARCHEOLOGICAL TEAMS. Minimal pet battle updates this expansion and the last few, etc. They’re neglecting different parts of the game when making expansions now and never fixing bugs from a prior expansion that come up.
I don’t why people were expecting any different.
A lot of people assumed that because there were less systems to design, the ones we did get would be very well implemented, and that other factors of the game would get more focus, like PVP, or the talent trees, or archeology, or whatever.
Instead, seems they are just putting out the bare minimum of what people would tolerate as an expansion.
lmao Do not compare KSM to glad.
KSM mounts are more like the vicious mounts, which are also always ground mounts.
Then make a KSH mount. Idc what they want me to do, set the bar at whatever. Make it doing all 25’s I’m game. Let’s get after that. I’ll never use this.
You’re right none flying mount, blizzard error again!
I think its alright but an idea I had to salvage it is to transform it slowly over the seasons until ~season 4 and it’ll be a full blown dragon mount or something. Watch it evolve over the seasons