Oof r.i.p Devouring plague

No, your choice is based on how you choose to apply yourself to that content. The problem is not that there isn’t a default M+ option, it’s that there is not a way to angle your character towards mythic plus with the options provided.

Right now we’re picking the same one for everything, and they’re all incredibly bland to boot.

I agree with this.
But I would rather have “interesting” choices over “content” choices to be honest.

Do I want more Mind Flay build leggo?
Do I want more Mind Blast build leggo?
Do I want more Devouring Plague build leggo?

That’s what I want. If I had those 3 choices and this one…

Do I want more Mind Sear build leggo?

Then I probably wouldn’t take it unless It was just massively better then the other options. But if it was minor then I rather stick with my preferred playstyle.

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Agreed, but also we have more nuanced content that demands a more nuanced approach to character setup than just “Aoe content pick aoe” etc etc.

Right now we’re sort of in the middle, getting the bad parts of both perspectives, but also the good parts of neither.

I expected nerfs to the healing, but not total removal of it. They buffed shadowmend in turn, but having to hardcast every time you need a self heal is going to be awful.

There’s still plenty of time for them to backpedal on this a little. I’d even settle for a passive leech. They have two vampiric abilities, and it kind of kills the fantasy of one of them to remove the vampiric nature of it.

Good news for anyone that didn’t look at the twitter link:

The removal of Devouring Plague and Vampiric Touch healing was not intentional


That’s lit.

Thank god! I shouldn’t need to shield or heal myself just because my SWD crit my face LOL

why do you guys have to give me a heart attack like that!

i was like “cool our spec is back! aaaaand its gone.”

Because bliz are experts in the ancient art of spaghetti bending


No way. If the trade-off for getting rid of voidform was removing the heal effect from DP and VT (already confirmed it’s unintentional) then I take that trade. I take that trade every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

not sunday. our queen Moira has me leading the service in Kharanos.

That and they don’t document their own changes, so the community is left to hack the game files every patch to figure out what changed.

This almost seems like a typo. Why write 0% instead of just saying the healing was removed?

Maybe they meant to lower it to 40% or 30%?

I hope it’s not removed. Self healing is shadows only crutch that keeps it viable in PvP. Without it we’ll need to constantly be coddled by a healer

Edit: Just read it’s not intentional. That’s a relief. Was really worried for a second lol

Well, in every priest post there are always recommendations. It is sad that Blizzard doesn’ t read them =/

The problem is really them removing the healing AND still having the backlash from Shadow Word: Death. The healing kinda helped you deal with that now its like you have to burden your healers in raids/dungeons and don’t use it in open world.

FYI, when you read BETA tooltips (especially if they are datamined) and they gave a 0% that is not greyed out or slashed through, it almost always means that they haven’t chosen the amount of % that it will have yet, so 0% is the placeholder.

A lot of times you’ll see an ability does 0% of spellpower as damage, that is just what you put at first as a placeholder (or as a reminder that it needs to be adjusted) because it’s fastest to do so, if it gets put in the live BETA then just report it as a bug, since it is almost always an oversight. (As we saw with the healing)

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feels awful being right

and once again blozzord is showing that they can’t do anything in half measures, better nerf healing, damage (which nerfs healing) and insanity regen (which nerfs damage and healing) all at once, after all there’s only so many months of beta testing left before full release, they can’t be expected to test one thing at a time when they only have enough time left to make 2 or 3 more changes before the class is locked in for the next 18 months.

oh thank god a non-lead, non-class developer using their personal twitter account posted that a live Beta patch with errors was actually an error instead of maybe putting a note on the official launcher Beta PTR patch notes

Given we got the information from a data-mine for a build that wasn’t even live yet, and he was directly asked on twitter about it, I think that’s fine. He probably didn’t even know he or someone else had accidentally removed the healing from DP until we told him. It’s pretty easy to change where something is in a database, and then forget to change the things that referenced that database.

Also ChrisK is the developer currently working on priests, and has been since the Alpha started. There’s a reason most devs don’t communicate directly or actively advertise what part of the development they are doing, it’s because people run with what they say.


Chris Kaleiki (known as Phalanx on the official forums) is a Blizzard employee and Game Designer for World of Warcraft. Kaleiki worked on Ashran, alongside Brian Holinka. Kaleiki also works on PvP and class design, having notably worked on PvP talents and the design of the monk.

Yeah i wouldn’t want to advertise that either. We all know how well received Ashran and the least played class in the entire game has been.