Oof r.i.p Devouring plague

Well as of right now on ptr i took fall damage on purpose applied both dots and it didnt do any healing so…

So i guess we will see if that remains in the future or will be fixed

yeah yeah i know ptr etc etc

It’s entirely possible the programmer moved the cell reference accidentally, and didn’t fix the spell. Still, if it was an intentional change they would remove the text too.

Hopefully they would explain their actions before gutting us, too.


yeah i dunno seems weird either way just wanted to let everyone know.

if anyone wants to go try it out for themselves download ptr

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The 0% in the actual PTR could also just be a place holder until they determine a better value to use.

As much as I don’t want to say DP was healing for way too much because of its high uptime… it was healing for too much for its uptime. It was different in WoD because it was gated behind 3 Mind Blasts. Now, we can just spam Devo Plague and always get healing from it.


Does it still have the string of text that looks like this…

Heals you for 0% of damage dealt.

If so, then it wasn’t removed. Its just bugged or something.

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Damage nerf alone to it or reduce its uptime are boht ways to directly nerf its overall healing. But Removing its healing overall was a knee jerk reaction> now it might be incorrect as we all hope. But i believe all we needed to keep us in line was a sanity nerf with a 20% hit to devouring.

Yeah it does

They did nerf insanity generation pretty heavily.

  • Mind Flay 12 over 3 seconds to 12 over 4.5 seconds
  • Mind Blast 8 down from 12
  • VT 5 down from 6
  • Void Bolt 15 down from 20

So the whole rotation should go a lot slower now.

Death & Madness buffed from 40 over 4 to 73 over 4, that’s pretty wild.

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I thought the same thing. I want to play with it. Should be fun leveling lol.

I still think DOTS should not generate resources though. I just think the scaling on them with haste + mass targets etc. will get bonkers. I think having SW:D generate a lot is good since it has a CD, but I think MB and VB should generate a lot as well since again they have a CD and limited to 1 time per cast. Not multiple times per cast which then increases the more haste you get… ugg.

So we shall see.

I thought the same thing. I just woke up like an hour ago so I haven’t seen most of what’s actually going on just yet lol.

I have a feeling they won’t let the healing fall short. It’s realistic to think they are going to monitor the uptime of Devo Plague after the generation nerfs and adjust the actual healing percentage accordingly. It would be most appropriate if it provided the same HPS in WoD.

I don’t mean we get to DP and heal to full though. I mean comparing healing over the course of a fight between Shadowlands and WoD we have the same % HP returned based on the uptime. This paragraph was hard for me to word so I hope what I’m saying makes sense lol.

That’s a fudged tooltip to sidestep a bug that leads to it generating too little. It’s still 40. It was 22 or something so there’s some spaghetti going on and this is their spaghetti quick fix.

Blast and bolt are down, but we aren’t sure about flay and sear because despite the change to flay from 3-4, the insanity per tick stayed the same. Again another thing we have to wait to see.


I’ve seen a lot about the damage tuning of Devouring Plague and people feeling it was a necessary change because of how much it was doing solely in comparison to our other spells.

We’ve seen this problem with multiple specs over the last two expansions where most of a classes damage is coming from one or two major sources and the rest are kind of supplemental.

To me it seems like they nerfed the damage so the Mind Blast legendary can “make up” for lost damage.

Just curious to what your thoughts on this are.

I’ll have to see it play out, basically all of our other spells went up by like 10% or so too, and bender + legendary + conduit is going to really bump it up.

I really dislike that shadow has zero legendaries that properly convert into aoe damage.

How important is that really?
As long as we have good aoe (looks like we do with talents) then do you really want to use a leggo for AOE?

Searing Nightmare is really strong and could potentially see some nerfs.

And right now with the channel time of Mind Sear it’s kind of clunky/claustrophobic to mash 2 (if you time it right) SN’s in the window. Not to mention we won’t really have much time for DT procs when using Mind Sear. This problem will get worse as we get more haste throughout the expansion.

I kind of agree we should’ve seen more cleave/aoe legendaries instead of the billion single target options we have now because it’s going to end up coming down to which does the most damage and that’s no fun.

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https://twitter.com/ckaleiki/status/1293309026080419840 Not intentional.

Also forum rank 3 OP


It’s an issue when it comes to how blizzard budget relative power for certain situations. Also if legendaries are supposed to solidify playstyles or create choice, having three relatively simple basic single target options doesn’t seem to be doing that.

100% this!

Purpose be praised!

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But doesn’t that though?

If I have an Single Target leggo and a Multi Target leggo then my choice is not my own. My “choice” is dictated by the content I am doing. Am I doing ST damage? then I use ST leggo. Am I doing MT damage? Then I use the MT leggo.

If I have multiple ST choices, then my choice is HOW I want to do that damage within the same content.

Sure you could argue that having multiple ST choices isn’t a choice (from a numbers stand point) in that many people will just use “the most number sim choice” but that’s still a choice.

Do you want to have fun in X content but overall DPS might be low? Pick X
Do you want to do most numbers in X content? Pick Y

I rather having a choice of multiple Single Target choices and pick what I want, I might take a DPS hit but at least I am having more fun with X instead of Y.

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