Ony NPC for ZG/ZA

Can we add a NPC similar to the one outside Onyxia’s lair that will alot us who were beaten by the RNG gods and haven’t managed to get the ZG mount to continue to farm it that or add it tot he heroic 5 man loot drop. Retail has already started aded back cata items that were lost to time. Don’t feel a need to have it happen in classic which is on a accelerated timeline.


I got the tiger and raptor but I second this… really odd you would do it for Ony but not these 2 beloved zones that also have rare drops.


probably something to do with how Ony just went from a raid to a raid, whereas ZA and ZG go from being a raid to a dungeon, and you can queue for them. i’d bet money that if they let you talk to a bronze dragon to turn it into the old raid then that would mess up queueing for the dungeon version once it gets released

It would be nice. I have 237 tracked kills via DBM, and Thekal never dropped a Tiger. You’d think they COULD do this with any raid (Naxx 40 - 25/10; ZG 20/5) but i doubt the effort would be put in.


I give my support.
I don’t like content being removed, especially when there’s a (seemingly) easy way to preserve access to it.