Onward and Upward

I can’t find the NPC to turn-in this quest. He’s always been at the same spot before???
I tried to create a character on a different account and still no luck.


/moo :cow:


same yesterday…Wowhead comments, same thing.
I just deleted and went and did other things.
I have better things to do than waste my time with buggy crap in this game


I don’t know about this quest in particular, but have you checked all the places this NPC spawns? I’ve noticed that I’ll have the yellow question mark to turn in a quest, but I can’t find the NPC, then I’ll find him in a other zone.

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This quest in particular has been completely bugged for 2 days. For everyone. Nobody has been able to find a workaround so far.


Like I said…

I know Ive checked the places they could have been but no dice just gone and replace by the mayor guy who doesn’t advance the story.

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yeah, even on wowhead comments they seemed to think that deleting and taking the quest again didnt work. At least it likely wont.
Not sure how we’re supposed to progress with bugs like this still in the game.

I got a useless reply from a “game master”, I asked about the onward and upward bug, they don’t even mention it, and then to add insult to injury, I’m not Victoria, I don’t know a Victoria.

I miss the old support team.

Issue ID: #99301351

Your ticket has received the following response:

Hello Victoria,

I trust this message finds you well and immersed in the wonders of Azeroth! I’m Ajeirmiend, your dedicated Game Master from Blizzard Entertainment.

It has come to my attention that you’re not able to turn in the “Unleash Hell” quest because the NPC is missing.

We have received several reports of this issue and can confirm it is not working as intended. However, players affected by this issue should seek out Taradormi in Krasarang Wilds, near Lion’s Landing. This NPC will offer to make the Skyfire appear again so the affected Jade Forest questlines can be completed.

Please note this action will permanently phase out the Lion’s Landing area until you return to Taradormi and speak to her to revert things back the way they were.

We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

If you discover a new issue, please submit a new Bug report.

Note: Bugs submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them.

Should you have additional quests, enigmas, or tales from your adventures to share, I stand ready to listen. May your future journeys be filled with epic triumphs!

Best regards,

I can’t find that NPC anywhere, Lion’s Landing is empty, just some NPCs fighting on the beach a bit to the north of it.

This “GM” is referring (1) to the wrong quest, and (2) An NPC that is from normal “Chromietime” MOP. Not here is Remix. As per usual the GM’s cant be bothered to read the issue and address it.


Someone just spoke in general chat and it worked. Abandon the quest, and go pick it up again fly down until you get to the Village but don’t fly to the quest. Get off your mount and walk up from the bridge area in the village and the quest will be there.

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Yes this worked! Thank you!

WALKING up to the area worked. I did not have to abandon the quest, relog, reload ui, or anything. It was completed and waiting for turn-in. Once you walk up across the bridge, the Admiral spawns, and you can turn it in and move through the next two quests!! Hurray!

There was a hotfix today :slight_smile: