Onslaught is a new raiding guild falling in between Hardcore and Semi-Hardcore. We are looking for raiders wanting to first week clear, get achievements, run heroics and hard modes ASAP! Officer group and several raiders were hardcore raiders during OG Wrath. We ran a semi-hardcore raid team during TBC, just enjoying the content and wanting to return to higher progression based raid for Wrath. We’re looking to be top 25 progression guild on Mankrik during all of Wrath. We do not plan on becoming a speed running guild. Onslaught strives to maintain quick and consistent raid progression with a light atmosphere. We want everyone to push their characters to the max so we can push progression and become one of the top end guilds on Mankrik. We value members with high accountability and reliability while keeping drama at the door.
We use a Pick 20 Loot List system on thatsmybis. Pick 20 items you would like to receive and prioritize them in the order in which you would like to receive them.
Raid Times:
Wednesdays and Sundays – 8pm-11pm server time (EST)
Raider Expectations:
- Be a team player. You raid with 24+ people, your performance affects them.
- Be on time. There is a bench if you aren’t online 15 minutes beforehand you will be sitting.
- Leave all drama at the door. We’re here to have fun and kill bosses.
- Signup for raid every week so we know your availability for the week.
- Come prepared with all available consumables (flasks, food, elixirs, pots), highest gems, and best enchants.
- Have a thorough understanding of mechanics and your class within the raid.
- Be receptive to constructive feedback with all intentions of improving.
High Priority:
Demo Lock
Medium Priority:
Enhancement/Spellhance Shaman
Ele Shaman
Prot Pally
Affliction Lock
Low Priority:
All other specs/classes
Contact Us:
Contact us on Disc or in game for more info or recruitment:
- Wikkedjester#6783 (GM) | Carnalfury
- Pow#3231 (Raid Lead) | Powz
Or fill out an application on our discord: discord.gg/ChHwgMeQmq