OnO recruiting great players with limited schedules

[A] OnO LF great players with limited schedules

ABOUT US: OnO is a new guild aimed at professional raiders with very limited schedules. Created by original Vanilla raiders, the team is building to clear all content at an Ahead of the Curve pace in only one night per week of raiding. We will never compete for server first progression, but we’ll kill everything while it’s relevant and get all the achievements/mounts/titles there are.

Have an alt you love but can’t use in your main raid? Then OnO might be a good fit for you. Have a main you love but your significant other says no playing during the week? Then OnO might be a good fit for you.

RAID DAYS/TIMES: Sunday from 5 to 9 p.m.

RECRUITING: As we build our community, we’re recruiting people more than classes. If you’re a competent player who vibes well, then let’s chat.

//discord .gg /Z63Gu5eZNT