Only two races in lore identify as paladin

The thinnest of straws are also the longest reaching. /sigh

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That was my bad. Sorry. I mean to say there aren’t an man’ari players running around.

You seem to have this weak concept of what a paladin is.

Let me explain what a paladin is. One they fight for what they think is correct they use a unique fighting style.

Two they are infused with some external power that grants them overwhelming abilities. If a void elf paladin came to be. You are correct in the term that it wouldnt be called a paladin as that is only dwarfs and humans.

What you are infused with doesnt matter if you fight like a paladin act like one. Well then you are a paladin.

Do not presume to instruct me on lore I have been playing through for 19 years.

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Yeah, it’s called the light. Glad we got that out of the way.


Thank you both for pointing out that boss. Much appreciated!

Which is wrong. Sir Zeliek and the Paladins of the Risen Crusade are controlled by powerful necromancers. They don’t have a choice when it comes to (un)living with the pain of fully using the Light.

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I will since you cant grasp that lore changes. The lore of 19 years ago is not the same lore today.

You should be a paladin. A male human paladin. It’s fitting.

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No it can be any external power I’m glad you cant grasp that concept.






You should play one since your stance is lore cant change to anything that doesnt make sense with the past.

Let’s see your official lore justification for it, then. Where has Blizzard written or said this?


But like

it can’t though.

The description for Paladin - when you select it on the character creation screen - literally specifies they use HOLY magic. Not Arcane, not Nature, not the flatulence from when I eat way too much Taco Bell.



Well there goes my idea for a new class…

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This is fundamental cosmic forces here. Paladins are Light infused. That’s their entire thing.

You’re not getting your Man’ari or Ren’dorei paladins. It will never happen.


A Gasomancer?


Professor Putricide?

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Good news, everyone! I’ve perfected a plague that will finally infect all of Azeroth with male human paladins!