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Nice to see the day where a game that features transgender NPCs is being embraced by people from all political leanings. That will encourage more developers to ignore the online hate and include whatever characters they want. :slight_smile:

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At the cost of sounding extremist here, for once, i’m with this attitude here.

Harry Potter has always been pretty inclusive from the word go anyways, a sort of world of magic from a child’s point of view with some intrigue and mystery, as well some fancy spells and such. And it shows that anybody can be a Wizard. Or a Witch, or a …‘Wiz-tch’. Or a Watch.

But despite that, despite having prior LGBT characters, despite this game having trans customizations, despite having… god forbid, a fanbase that has LGBT people liking this, DESPITE ALL THAT… This game is considered transphobic still…

Worse still, is some of those so called “Progressives”, take it upon them selves to… not only harass streamers, but ACTUALLY made a website with their names on anybody who plays the game… :point_down:

…As well getting their careers in jeopardy.

I really hate how this controversy is bringing actual harm to people who just want to have some dang fun with a video game, all because some dingbat who said something bigoted, therefore EVERYBODY ELSE must be punished because, why target the dingbat?.. :expressionless:

Edit: Ya know what’s the most funniest bit? All this “Boycotting” (Remember the CoD Boycott? lol) did is made the game successful… And all of this wouldn’t even effect JK Rowling (she already got her money to begin with)…

Edit 2: Oh let’s keep this train going. You know how like fake progressives call ANYBODY bigots for not liking trans characters/options or etc in games or not going to buy it because of that, even if that somebody is just criticizing the writing quality of that character and/or the ethics behind Warner bros and how their pandering and etc… But NOW… now these fakies are saying pretty much that Trans character and options aren’t good enough and still boycotting the game … the game that has trans options and trans person in there. What the heck does that make them, huh? :rofl:

Oh my god, why the side i chose is a complete joke. Holy crocodile Jesus’s mother, susan.:man_facepalming:

♫ Dose of Buckely’s Scumbag’s of the internet ending plays ♫

So great job fake journalists and fake progressives, ya done more to promote and hype up the game then anybody over at WB or any corporate shills can in their life time, as well exposing yourselves as the true hateful people. At least you’re only good for showing us all, no matter what we do in life, will always be better then you are. :laughing: :-1: