Only one BM Hunter only Mortal Wounds pet? Why?

I noticed that Devilsaur is the only BM only pet with Mortal Wounds. It also has the lust ability, which, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that unusable in rated pvp?

One of the big benefits of going BM should be upgraded pets, and, in pvp, we are forced to use pets with mortal wounds. @Blizz: Could you please put mortal wounds on more or new BM Hunter pets? I was excited about using Hati before being told we still need to use a pet with mortal wounds.


there are more… every pet “spec” has every ability and the only thing locked to exotics are additional skills.

There are multiple pet that a BM hunter can use with the “mortal Wound” abilities.
Carrion Bird, *Devilsaur, Ravager, Scorpid and Wasp

*Direhorn, Hydra, Lizard and Riverbeast

Hyena, Raptor and Rodent

I use a raven for my mortal wounds

I realize we can use multiple pets with mortal wounds, but I am referring to BM only pets who can do mortal wounds.

@Ruzaki: Are you saying that if I use some pets as MM or Survival they will only have one ability but as BM they have 2?

What do you mean BM only pets? Do you mean exotic pet which only BM can use, because all pets can be use by a BM hunter unlike it MM and Surv counterpart.

no scoprids and a few other have it.

Yes I mean Exotic pets with Mortal Wounds.

to be fair, a devilsaur has no useful extra ability.
feel free to use any mortal wounds pet without worrying about exotic abilities

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I did a horrible job of explaining what bothers me and the purpose of my post: I am saying exactly that: Devilsaur is the only Exotic mortal wounds pet, and it has a special ability that we cannot use in rated pvp (lust). Blizz should create an exotic pet with mortal wounds and a special ability that can be used in rated pvp.

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Wouldn’t you want a Cunning pet with MC anyways?

I’d take just about any specialization of pet if it could be an Exotic pet with Mortal Wounds and another pvp ability (as opposed to something I can’t use in rated pvp).

I see your point though. I have plenty of non-exotic pets with mortal wounds, but one of the bonuses of playing BM is exotic pet access, and there should be one for rated pvp. Was a little disappointed to find out it wasn’t Hati.

devilsaur should have a slow ability, over that devouring corpse ability.


That would work for me. DevilSaur with updated abilities; all usable in rated pvp.

Or you can choose from the 11 other pet family options.

Just because it’s exotic doesn’t mean a BM is required to use it exclusively. BM’s can use any hunter pet.

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Exotic pets don’t have any competitive advantages over regular ones. They might just have a neat additional ability that can reduce your fall damage or something of that nature.

They’re functionally identical to your average pet in combat.


Just because you can use an exotic pet doesn’t mean you must use one. Some of them have solid exotic abilities (Spirit Mend comes to mind), but some of them are pure utility (eg. Updraft, Surface Trot), some are mostly useless in a raid (Dune Strider, any of the pet damage reduction ones), and some are simply useless period (Froststorm Breath, Burrow Attack).

If you’re going to insist on limiting yourself to only exotic pets, then yes, you will miss out on ideal combinations. As an example, there’s also no ferocity+purge exotic pet, and that’s the combination probably most useful (alongside tenacity+purge) in M+.

Tangentially, Eyes of the Beast published a really solid guide to the pet families and specs leading up to BfA, and I reference it regularly when figuring out what combination of pets I want to carry around with me.

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This :point_up::point_up_2: 100%
With the exception of Spirit Beast’s heal, and Silithid’s movement speed, the remaining exotic abilities are either flavour, light/trivial utility, or pet defensive (aka, nothing competitive, and dps neutral (with the exception of the loss behind added AoE abilities)).

@OP: If you’re unable to find a combination that suits your needs from the limited pool of exotics (as is intended), you’ve options in the non-exotic pets of which there are many such combinations.

If you’re unhappy with those options above, that’s on you…

Personally, because I flip between specs fairly often: I carry 3 lust pets with the options for Dispel, Slow and Mortal Wounds, with a fourth as a Spirit Beast for general BM use.

My standard loadout at the moment is a Netherray (ferocity + purge), a stag (tenacity + purge), a moth (cunning + purge), a wolf (ferocity + snare, also because I have the super rare and eye-catching ghost wolf from Dustwallow), and a spirit beast (specifically, black-and-blue Hati, though until he was re-added it was Gara) for those rare occasions I go BM.

I specifically hunted down a cunning pet recently for dealing with the roots on Jaina and the trash leading up to Jadefire, because it was pissing me off too much.

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Typically I have for BM
RP: either a Spirit Beast, Cat or Dog (Usually a Cat)
PvP: Raptor or Hyena
Solo: Corehound, Waterstrider
DPS: Corehound or Spirit Beast