"Only I can save this world!"

“I will do anything to defend my homeland except just pick up one of the other available combat styles and disciplines that have proven themselves to be reliable at murdering the junk out of demons. Demon juice please.”

They should’ve held out for a few years and coulda been Monks.


This is why I like Hurricane’s cinematics. Makes a point to showcase that while mechanically it might be 10-20 people tackling these big bads, in narrative terms it’s more a whole ARMY of Murder Hobos.

I maintain that if Blizzard were able to write dialogue that wasn’t obnoxious and eye-rolling and alienating, many of the story-related memes of Legion wouldn’t be a thing.

I’ll also always be frustrated that we got demonic, space-faring Ebon Blade instead of loose, dispersed coalition of homeless cave people coming together around a spooky campfire.

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im fine with being op

theres just gotta be a consistency and coherency, and there’s neither

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Well now I’d like a simple villian that kicks puppies and the Alliance and Horde be like…


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That comment might not have been clear. Villains that kick puppies are fine to me. They’re cathartic to kill.

Writing a villain that kicks puppies while, at the same time, trying to convince the audience that kicking puppies was the only moral option available to them, ever, usually doesn’t go over well.


Types of villains:

  1. totally unrepentant villains. Maybe they have an actual point, but they don’t try to convince you that they’re actually in the right.
  2. sympathetic villains. they have a point. maybe they’re the result of a broken society or family. either what they’re doing is right but they’re going about it the wrong way, or what they’re doing is wrong but they’re doing it in a socially acceptable way.
  3. modern villain. they tell you what they’re doing is right and that’s literally it. you are berated by the game/media for not siding with them.
  4. Blizzard villain. Both the villain themselves and Blizzard tell you that the villain is actually the good guy trying to save everyone, you are just too dumb to gsee it.

Oh my gawd, this man speaks truth. Take my heart, sir, and know that one is not enough.

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The fact they trot this out over and over and over again was effectively when I finally stopped caring. The epitome of “tell, don’t show” over, and over, and over and being smacked about the head and shoulders with a halibut that screams out “You just don’t have all the facts yet. We can still surprise you.”

“The arch-villain did 27 bad things but had one poignant moment of looking mournfully at an old friend when they killed them for number 28, that represented that they were actually good this entire time, and you just don’t understand them.”

I trot this out a lot but Blizzard’s main cast is increasingly becoming the DMNPCs of the setting. We’re just here to advance the plot until the next time ORIGINAL CHARACTER, DO NOT STEAL gets to brood/gloat/kill something on stage.

And yes I know this is a nine day old thread at this point but I liked this conversation so sue me I’m already dead.


Let me get you in touch with my lawyer, Greyah. I hope your name isn’t Simba.


Zandalar actually had a good story imo.

The king fought against Zul, because both basically just wanted to rule so it started a civil war.

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is this sylvanas?

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I just rewatched Season 5 of Agents of Shield again with my sister who saw it for the first time, and Graviton is basically this. Always saying only he can fix this, and that he can become the strongest being in the universe to stop Thanos.

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I actually really like the self-assured villains myself. Like, the most entertaining “evil” for me, is the kind of evil that is being done for a purpose… for a reason. Maybe it’d be nice if Blizzard didn’t make the fanbase out to be idiots though.

No necromancy allowed. Only neck romancey. I don’t even know what that is but it sounds weird. :stuck_out_tongue:

No pfft I’d necro heaps of threads if I could, sometimes old topics become relevant again! I dunno why there’s a rule against it tbh.

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You’re remembering it wrong. Jeyne Westerling (Robb’s wife in the books, not Talisa Maegyr) isn’t stabbed at the Red Wedding, nor does Robb even bring her (for the obvious insult it would be.) That was all HBO gratuity.

As of the end of Book 5, the last book he finished, Jeyne Westerling is alive and well, and GRRM has hinted she might even show up in Book 6.

Fair enough. It’s been close to 20 years since I last read the books.

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It’d be kind of fun to actually experience a questline like this as players, basically fenced in on both sides by demigods and the constant give and take of trying to not be trod over by either. Unfortunately all the demigods we ever get on our side immediately fall in line, or never outright threaten us otherwise.

I love a good Gul’dan. Dude wants power and exploits people to get that power. No nuance. Dude just wants power and gets it.

I think the idea is that old threads contain old information, so bringing them back to the front page isn’t helpful for people trying to get answers to questions. But generally, that only makes sense to me in the case of threads that are about technical/gameplay issues. I guess it’s simpler just to say “no necros” rather than try and outline the reasons and situations involved.

I’d like to see a villain who thinks they have justified reasons for villainy without the narrative trying to imply that they have a point. People can have good intentions and still be wrong in every way, and while I’m not opposed to villains who just want power for power’s sake, it would be less interesting if every villain were that way.

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Like what? Not being facetious, I tried to think of a few off the top of my head and most of them seemed pretty tired like “We have always been at war” or ended up boiling down into power for power’s sake, but my imagination shuts off around 8PM EST.