Ongoing Game Progression Blocking and Harassment

For several weeks now, a traitor in our guild has been turning off our Hellscream’s Warsong buff in Icecrown Citadel. We’ve been responding to it by leaving the raid and losing 30 minutes of our raid time until we could reset the raid. However, this week the harassment has escalated. We started raiding on Tuesday this week and the traitor, as per usual, turned off our buff mid raid. We did not catch who it was. The harassment escalated on Wednesday, when we could not enter our raid because this traitor invited another player named Arthaskiller (who is not part of our guild or original 25 man team from Tuesday) into a group and gave him our raid ID. For the entire duration of our scheduled time, 5pm - 8pm server time, this Arthaskiller was inside of our Icecrown Citadel and so anyone from our guild’s raid group who tried to walk in was given a minute inside and then ejected. This caused us to completely lose a night of raiding due to this Arthaskiller hijacking our raid ID. Now it is Thursday and this Arthaskiller is doing the same thing and is hijacking our raid ID for a second day in a row. This makes Icecrown Citadel completely unplayable for our guild. While it is impossible at this moment for us to figure out who the original traitor is in our guild, we with 100% certainty that his accomplice is Arthaskiller and he is the person blocking us from entering our raid altogether. Our raid ID this week is 235508883. We need this player banned. And if Blizzard can help us figure out who the original traitor is somehow, it would be massively helpful for us. We are paying customers of Blizzard and we just want to enjoy the game and we cannot. Please help us.


Not allowed to link screenshots but I reported for Blocking Raid ID


Unacceptable that 25 PAYING individuals are unable to play the game they love due to a harassing individual.

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We prob got over 300+ reports on him, that has to be worth something, hope we can get some justice.


Please GMs help us this player has been blocking our progression for weeks now.


Yeah this is toxic af. please help.


Wrong, it’s 24 PAYING individuals because one of us is the original traitor who invited Arthaskiller to allow him to block us out of our raid.

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This is ruining our progress in the game and will keep happening week after week unless we’re able to ban his account.


Article ID: 13760

“Our in-game policies are designed to foster fun, fair, and safe game environments. If you see another player violate these policies, please [report the incident]”


We have tried that multiple times to no avail.

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Many reports, seems like nothing is being done about it

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We’ve tried mass reporting this person and writing tickets as well. We have not been able to get anywhere with the GMs. We are paying customers and we cannot play this game. This is not right.

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i hope and believe that Blizzard will do the right thing and ban this guy and his associates


Post Post Post and keep reposting till Blizzard takes action on these guys

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Hey Blizzard, this is completely unacceptable. Hard-earned money is going down the drain here. The one thing I look forward to every week is getting ruined by something that you can easily fix and take care of, and swiftly I might add… Please help out true lovers of the game.

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Unacceptable, should never block a teams progression


Blizzard please rectify this issue.

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What kind of individual (clown) would do this to people?

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we’re being excluded out of time we paid for, because someone casually wants to troll and stop our raid nights simply for the heck of it, but we did nothing to them.

This guy is wasting the time we allocated out of our schedules to raid and hang out with our guild, this problem needs to be fixed.