This game is so infuriating. Got to 2370 a month ago then fell to 1965. Got back to 2372 today, and fell to 2283. Every time I am a single 4-2 game from 2400 I get shot down by double warrior windwalker or some other cheesy crap. Why can’t I just get a mage lobby for my 2400 match just ONE TIME BLIZZARD.
This game has been doing this for years… one win for 1800 mog? here is impossible match with r1s!!! One win from Duelist? Here is some boosters and r1 alts to crush you hee hee. Eugh, for just one time I would like to get a good match at the “need one more win point”. It happens 100% of the important break points and it is beyond tilting.
If you stopped caring you probably wouldn’t rage tilt such a huge rating drop when you find yourself in these situations. Kind of a problem of your own making sort of thing.
My final match to get rival on mage (I’m not pushing any further on most specs, no point.) had an MM hunter in it.
5-1 victory.
Just gotta get a better mindset. It’s alright to note and complain on forums about given matchups and bad lobbies but ultimately there’s always gonna be someone playing something better than you (except Boomkin), you just have to get used to it and be a better player than them.
In case it helps, this was Absterge trying to break 2400 on a disc priest:
Just stop playing solo shuffle its nothing but random garbage that will tilt you even worse.
Just put on loud gaming music and shuffles are chill from that point on
Bro, not caring is awesome. I got blades edge the other day and didn’t feel like doing it so just left on first round. Not feeling forced to play crappy games because of rating is nice.
Yeah helps to see it happens to others. It’s like the only thing BLizzard has 100% big brained in their MMR system - how to break someone 1 win from a bracket. THey can’t figure out MMR with healers or shuffle in general, but they sure know how to put together lobbies to crush ur hopes and dreams on the final game you need.
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If blizzard didnt big brain MM hunter being an OP broken hard counter 1 shot class vs cloth then you probably wouldnt even be in the position to be frustrated about almost getting 2400 in the first place.
You’re right if we did less damage to cloth and more to other armor types I’d have got 2400 already, instead of praying for mage lobbies since that’s all MM can kill.
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Pro tip: when you are close to an important bench mark like 2400, learn to take breaks. Doom queueing is bad.
Set intervals for yourself. Learn how to call it at a certain spot or when you’re ahead. You’re on a win streak? Great. You went positive over 5 lobbies. Perfect. There’s no need to queue that 6th lobby, especially if it’s a net loss. Call it for the day or week, then queue in a week or two and that pretty much should guarentee you the benchmark without all the tilt inbetween.
There’s too many variables in this game to justify queueing back to back. Unless your winrate is 60+%, stop when you’re ahead.
Yep gotta love it… happened to me plenty of times, and its true the key is to not care anymore or relax, but hard not to when its right there lol…
Know plenty of folks that are stoners/smoke or take adderall and just play with a smile on their face… hell you can watch streamers that vape and stuff between matches
Wow are you encouraging the op to do drugs?
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Who is this dab imposter?
Do what I do in these situations (I’ve had this happen multiple times).
When you lose that match that would have taken you to the next tier, just don’t queue on it for at least 10-15 minutes.
Make sure you’re not mad or disappointed before you queue again. I’ve lost tons of rating trying to force my way to the next level…if you lose your cool, it’s not gonna happen.
I got rival for the first time on my FDK and my Fury Warrior this season in SS. Pretty proud of myself!
However before breaking that 1800 on my Warrior I got paired up with a Destro, Frost Mage and an Afflic in the Zandalar arena.
Went 0-6 and had to fight to climb back up.
On my FDK almost every single round of SS between 1700-1800 was a combination of Arms Warriors, Ret Paladins and/or WW Monks. I felt pretty defeated but then I went 5-1 one round and got my goal.
What helped was just going for a small walk to clear my head, wrestled my dogs, had some tea, texted my friend, redo the transmog.
Sometimes you get caught up in needing to win that match that you make mistakes that cost you said match.
Also it helps if you have 2 or more of the class/spec your trying to push rating on. Makes it a little less stressful as well if you know you have other toons at equal rating. Push on one toon some days, the alt the other days.
b-b-b-but slayer makes me ANGRIER
Great advice (: I welcome it
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I agree. I think it’s intentionally to keep you playing.
I got to a point where I was like. Why am I feeling sad in this video game?
I started buying storage locker auctions online and haven’t played in a month or so.
I am really looking forward to Season 3.