One Way How to Fix BG Blitz Issues

I know Blizz will never read this, but one way to fix BG Blitz is to sort and shuffle the 16 players every game:

  1. Splitting double classes between the two teams unless duo queued;
  2. If there are 2 or more duo queue groups, give each faction a duo queue group. Flip a coin if there is an odd number.

So, for example, if 16 people are queued and there are 2 priests and 2 DKs, put one on each team (assuming they aren’t duo queued).

This would not prevent people from queue syncing, but it would reduce the effectiveness, as people who queue solo with their friends might end up playing against them. Sure, they could spy for their friends but then they would be losing themselves.

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Feels like they intentionally group classes up.

No. Every condition added to matchmaking makes Q times longer.

Same answer, more restrictions means more Q time

I prefer to wait more than lose to a premade and having to win 3 more games to get my lost rank back.

There are no premades, just better teams.

It can be both. I don’t think it’s that wide spread but I’ve seen people obviously throwing.

That is fair. Some have been on my team :smiley: and mostly they seem mad and are pouting about something.

The one person I know for sure was in coms (same room I think) was someone last season who was really excited to tell us all to focus on the warrior on the other team, who was her husband.

Haha, that’s pretty funny. We had a tank dh that said he’d take all off carts and we should focus lava and it took us too long (obviously our fault) to realize he was throwing and act accordingly.

Oh trust me, there doesn’t have to be premades for people to throw games. If there’s any team based game, there will be throwers.

Yeah throwing games are common, but blitzz is rough i was already at 1800/1900 mmr and one close lose send me to the rat league hell 1300/1500 and well I live here now

My only issue with bgb is one team can be 2 dks 2 rets and 2 dhs, then the other team has 2 MM 1 feral a frost mage a rogue and a ua lock. IMO blizz should spread the melee and ranged and classes a little better.

Wrong. The system wouldn’t be waiting for matches. It takes the total of 16 and if there are duplicates, gives one to each team. If there are 2 duos, it gives one to each team.

It would not have any impact on the queue because it just splits up the 16 as fairly as it can. There will be some times it can’t, but that’s fine.

I see what you are saying, and if the system was not taking into account rating and trying to make teams matched by average, that would probably work. But that is not the system we are working with.

And for duos, a duo should not have to wait for another duo to Q up in order to get a game. if there are 3 solo healers and a duo in the Q, and they can be AMMR matched into teams, but the system doesn’t make the game because, sorry no second duo? That’s making the Q times longer for everyone.