One thing I'll never forget about dragonflight

What about the scout backpacks you can’t loot because the loot window doesn’t even show?


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I’ll never forget the deaf centaur that was supposedly a great hunter, clearly written by someone that has never stepped outside of their studio apartment.


Differently-abled centaur need recognition too!

I’m really hoping I can forget everything about DF.

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Dragon flying

Ugh what, Did some one say priates? What is this talk about dragons I thought we still plundering?

I’ll always rememeber the mining node that was in the canopy a tree.

And the cave with the mining node, Dirt, and Pack that phased out because the back of the cave was in Ohnara.

And Blizzard’s Azureweave fiasco.

If that’s the “one thing you’ll never forget” then the expansion is leagues above everything since Mists of Pandaria, and I whole-heartily agree!